Duromine Diaries - Day 9

  • Author brightlight
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day Nine - 1st April, 2014:

Dosage: 30mg
Time took: 9.30am
Side effects: Feeling very irritable, tired, run down and can't handle dim lighting at the moment!

Feeling... Like today is a new day!

Food/drinks: One last birthday dinner out last night, otherwise eating healthy - Favourite meal so far: Shredded chicken, lentil, chickpea, kale, quinoa, semi-sundried tomato salad with apple cider vinegar and olive oil dressing - yum!

Slip Ups: Dinner out last night!

Exercise: Lots of yoga, running around at work today on a photo shoot and a walk with my dog

Other bits and pieces to share: My weigh in for week one was Sunday but I couldn't work out what was going on with my scales - different readings all over the place! Finally did a proper weigh in this morning, info below!

BL x
Waist: 92cm
Hips: 102cm
Chest: 99cm
SW: 70kg
CW: 68.5kg
WL: 1.5kg
GW: 55kg
Week 1: 1.5kg (15mg)
*Weigh in on Sunday, 6th April 2014


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