Duromine Journey - Day 2 part 1

  • Author Amelia
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Good Morning!

First night sleep with Duromine wasn't as bad as I was expecting, I was in bed laer than normal and didn't sleep until almost 11pm BUT i think that was more due to me bot being able to sleep until the boyfriend got home. I woke up only once and that was because of HUGE electical storm that smashed through Melbourne at 2am this morning.. i woke up better than normal aswell.

So so far positive. My goal today is to only eat when I am hungry, I need to decifer hunger with havit as yesterday i ate abit too much.. but as I said I think it may be a havit thing rather than hunger.

I shall update you again later today with how my eating went and any other side effects if they pop up.

Have a fabulous day everyone! :)


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