duromine not working for me or am i simply just a junkie(junk food lover)

  • Author candycrush
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hey all
I think duromine is no longer working for me as I tend to get alot of junk food cravings this week and everyday i eat all this bad food makes me feel as if I'm not ready even though I want it so bad as eating bad stops me from exercising, i have the whole package, i need to start this weight loss program, family and friends exercise equipment, diet program except myself, its like i am fighting against myself and yet loosing against myself as i cant stop thinking of junk food, anyone with the same problem who overcame this eating addiction that can help i would really appreciate it alot


How long have you been on it for?
It takes 21 days to break a habit.. Doc told me it's similar to quitting smoking, you have to "try", the tablets just help with suppressing appetite, and give you energy.. It's not a miracle cure
(Not having a go at you at all, just saying what I've learnt today..I'm starting tomorrow so I can't offer advice)
Wish you luck X

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