Duromine, side effects, is it working?

  • Author Tinty
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Duromine Journey:

starting weight: 81kg

Hi all,
i am hoping by posting on this blog i will get a bit of insight from past or current Duromine users, regarding how its been working for you!
I am aware that duromine should only be used by obese and morbidly obese people, and i am not. however, i have been battling the weighloss struggle all my life, and am tired of being upset , depressed and miserable.
I started Duromine 15mg to begin with and after feeling no difference whatsoever, i returned to my doctor after 2.5 weeks. In the 2.5 weeks i had only lost 3 KG's, and this concerned me as i was not eating a lot ( more will power than the actual not hungry feeling) and i was exercising. My doctor prescribed me 30mg and now altogether im approaching my 4th week on duramine and have only lost 4 kg's.. and now weigh 77kgs. Although i am loosing, ifeel as though compared to other peoples duromine journeys, mine is taking waaaaaay longer. I also have no increase in energy, or beating heart - no hectic side effects, besides dry mouth, grumpiness. i also still experience hunger, however my appetite is slightly reduced on the 30mg. I have only been on the 30mg for about 2 weeks,, could it still take effect? does it take time to build up in your system and start working? i would really love someones advice! please help!
Thank you.


Yes, for me, it took a while to build up in my system.
Please bear in mind, when you have less to lose you will have smaller losses. Many diet experts recommend that a good weekly loss should equal about 1% of your current weight. So... @ 80kg you would expect a 'good' weekly loss to be about 0.8kg. So losing 4 kilos in 4 weeks you have smashed it.
Most people find that the closer they are to their goal or ideal weight, the harder it is for them to lose. Many of the really big losses have been by people who have had a lot to lose and only in the first week when they have not been dieting previously. Many say that it is mainly water. If you have been exercising or dieting before you began with the D you may not have this big loss at the beginning.
Personally. I began about half a kilo under the morbidly obese category. In 21 weeks I have lost about 24 kilos. That is a great loss. I did lose over 4 kilos in the first week, but after that first week I average only 1 or 2 kilos with the occasional week where I stay the same or even have a slight gain.
I don't believe that D should only be for morbidly obese or obese individuals. I think anyone who is outside a healthy weight range, who has demonstrated that they have tried and struggled to do it on their own should be able to access this with their doctor's supervision. It can be abused though so regulation is necessary.
Duromine is definitely not a quick fix. I think the duromine is like any diet or program. For it to work effectively there has to still be a willingness and determination on the part of the individual. It has worked for me because I was in the right mindset. I used it to help me stay focused and on track and learn new habits. So far it has been 5 months and, although I am not on D ATM, I still have a long journey to go.
As far as how it worked for me..I was more focused, moody, and had greater will power. I found it easier to stop eating. I did forget to eat as I was more interested in other things. It is hard to explain. I still experienced hunger. I think I was less interested in food not less hungry.

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