Eating Is Becoming An Issue

  • Author StormGirl2012
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Not in the way you're all thinking! My issue is that I STILL can't be bothered to eat, especially since I've been on holidays since Christmas. During my first week I was at work and had to stop and eat lunch then have a small dinner at home later on. Today, for instance, I could only manage half a wholemeal roll with butter and a date and coconut ball up until dinner time. We went to the fish and chippy and the healthiest thing I could see with the least carbs was a chicken yiros pack (kebab meat for those who don't know what Yiros is) which was chicken meat, a bit of garlic sauce and I chose Greek Salad as my side. I ate less than half of it.
This not wanting to eat is becoming an issue for me in more than one way:
  • I'm not feeding my body the way it expects to be fed and I am feeling the effects of that.
  • When I do eat, what little I have needs to be the right foods which are nourishing, however I feel that if all I feel like is an apple for lunch, that probably still isn't enough even though I struggled to eat it all.
  • With the amount of exercise I do and the weight that I press on the bench press, I need more lean protein to feed the muscles. I'm struggling with this and have employed lean protein shakes for straight after workouts. Even with doing that, I still feel extremely depleted later in the day.
I am still losing weight but fear I might plateau sooner than normal because of this. I never though I'd say this in my whole life but t's so difficult to eat!


I am having the same issue food has a certain smell to it. I find if I can smell one ounce of fat I can't eat it becos my body doesn't want it or my stomach.
Best wishes Nik

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