Eating out!

  • Author Mumo3girls
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Week two and down 2.2kgs..
A weekend of eating out (Saturday night, Sunday lunch, and Monday dinner) and a few social drinks (one Friday, one Saturday, and one Monday)
And the scales are up 1.4kgs..
I didn't eat huge meals, and I didn't drink huge amounts of soft drink like I normally would.. But this is still killing my brain.. I know it's mostly fluid and food and it will disappear but it's just doing my head in a bit this morning so I'm here venting..
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Hello. Yeah I have noticed that when I stop for 2-3 days I gained weight straight away.
I have stop for 5 days now and will be back on it friday to. I thought I should stop for a week, it's making me sick already and I have gained 1 kilo already, may fault . Have much have loss in 2 weeks now?
I didn't stop taking my tablets, I just hate and drank more than usual..
2.2kgs in 2 weeks..

Is the 1.4kg gain counted in your total loss of 2.2kg? If you had lost a total of 2.2 kg in 2 weeks, that is still a good on-track lost.
No 2.2kg loss Friday at 103.8kgs.. Today up 1.4 to 105.2. Start weight 106...
Hopefully all the water I've had today should flush it out again..
I'm in the same boat! Put on 1.1kg over the weekend from having 3 days off but I didn't workout and ate bad and didn't drink water, pretty sure a day of drinking a ridiculous amount of water, working out and eating well will get rid of atleast half of my gain. I restricted myself a little too much, I should have learnt this by now.
Just keep going :)
Yeah... !!. What Cmvx said!

Whats Cmvx stand for anyways?
104.4 today.. .6 to go to be back to what I was last Friday.. This is why I give up so often.. But onwards and upwards..
It's my initials and the 'X' is just there. Don't know why I put that there lol.
I am the exact same, I give up then put on double what I lost. But we just need to keep at it
I've been watching the scales all week and hadn't quite got back to my week two weigh in today, so hopefully my official week 3 weigh in tomorrow is actually DOWN from last week..
Stupid eating out and being unorganised..

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