End of day 2 on duromine.

  • Author IWantToBeMeAgain!
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hey guys!

So it's end of day 2 nearly so I thought I'd share how my second day went!

Last night I didn't get to sleep until about 2:10am and this morning took my second day pill and woke up at 6:30 cause I couldn't get back to sleep!
So I left my partner and the cat asleep and went downstairs and started cleaning. It felt good cause I was moving and doing something and at the end was good to relax in a nice clean house :)
I didn't feel much energy or 'aliveness' as I did the first day, but I'm gonna take that as my body trying to get used to the pill.
I do have a shocking headache at the moment! Driving home was a nightmare. But I get headaches all the time so I'm not sure whether to blame duromine or just shake it off like a normal

I can feel that I've lost weight which is really making me feel good and motivates me more to keep going. I know people won't be able to see results just yet but I'm dying to see their reaction!
I need to purchase a set of scales so I can weigh myself once a week to see how I'm going :)

How often do you weight yourself? Is it bad to weigh yourself everyday?
I'm going to try and not weigh everyday cause I'm worried if I don't see any results one day I'll just be upset and want to give up the whole thing!!! But I'm pretty sure weighing myself once every week is sufficient to see results :)

I hope you guys are having success! Tell me your stories!

Ali ox :)


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