End of second week

  • Author Dave39
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
starting wieght 102 kilos
Week 2 wieght loss 1.9 kilos
Total wieght loss 6.3 kilos

I'm now 95.7 kilos. So week 2 my body seems to have got used to Duromine and I am experiencing no side effects whatsoever. Even my dry mouth has gone, but I'm still making sure to drink plenty of water.

Even though I didn't lose nearly as much as the first week, I'm still happy with my results this week as I'm heading in the right direction.

I'm eating lots of fresh vegetables, fish, and fruit. Have managed to completely cut out all the fast food and junk food that made me put on the wieght in the first place :)


Hey Dave39

Sounds like you are approaching your weight loss in a very positive way.
Your diet looks very healthy.
Are you eating much protein??
Thanks :) I get my protein from eggs (I have 2 a day) and a large tin of tuna in spring water which I also have every day. I sometimes mix it up, yesterday I also had smoked salmon with my eggs. I also take multi vitamins, as I don't eat any meat (just fish and seafood). I have done NO exercise at all (apart from clinical Pilates) however I am on my feet all day at work so that helps. I have problems with my knee and back which limits exercise choices.
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I just started using duromine this week - I have never used this sort of diet pill before so it is all new to me. How long have you been using duromine now??
I'm sure I am like most people who need to lose weight, I know the facts but for one reason or another don't do the right thing!
Even though I like eggs and fish I don't eat them much......that is going to change this week - you have motivated me!!!
Have a great day.
I've just finished week 3 and have lost 7.5 kilos so far. Poached or scrambled eggs with smoked salmon is a tasty breakfast and full of goodness. I'm eating a lot of apples, whenever I get a bit hungry I eat an apple :)

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1 min read
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