• Author Shellz86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
okay, so i have been feeling great till I weighed my self on Tuesday! i couldn't believe my eyes when that number came up on the scale.. i even did it again..

so this is my question...

i have picked up 3kgs between starting last week and end of this week. on Tuesday it was not to bad, it was a kg, and i thought i just weighed at the wrong time of the day, as i usually weigh in the first thing in the morning.
the scale and i have never had a good relationship. and now i don't even want to see it!

any advice from other that might have picked up kg in the first 2 weeks?
Another thing.. i have missed my period, was suppose to start last week. and taken a pregnancy test, but that came out Negative...so there is no bun in the oven.. so to speak.. any advice from your experience..PS, i didn't do the Military diet this week, just been eating healthy and drinking lots of water, hardly had coffee or tea.
and this week i have been to the gym everyday since Monday. Feeling very demotivated.
was hoping to loose at least 500g - 1 kg at least.



Hi Shellz,

Sorry to hear the scales haven't been on your side.
The first weight to lose is usually water retention, so I wouldn't worry just yet.
You said that you have been to the gym every day too which is awesome. Have you seen results at the gym this week? I ask as muscle is heavier than fat. So it's a good thing if you have built muscle, that in turn will assist you to burn fat.
How are your clothes fitting is there any change?

I would suggest keeping at it for a couple more weeks and see what changes happen.
Thanks. going to try and keep my spirits up. clothes still feel fine. but trying hard to loose the weight.

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