End of week 5 weigh in day yippee :)

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Wow a loss of 1.2kg this week that's a total of 8.8kg in 5 weeks not bad I say :) going to try and be in the double digits next week :) wish me luck !
Start weight 110.3kg
Current weight 101.5kg
GW 70kg :) :) :)
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WHOO HOOOOOO!!! Shellyisme... WELL ,WELL DONE !! , I too am hoping to be at 100kg end of next week.. so happy for you ,so happy !!!:)
Well done I can't wait to be under 100 kg. I will be celebrating and buying myself a pressie.
It is amazing how much importance a number can have. For me to be under 100 kilos will be one of my greatest milestones. It has been waaaay too long since I have been under this number and it, more than any other, will be a huge psychological boost. We all will be there soon enough.
You buy yourself something special to reward yourself. We will all celebrate with you also
Tarme, the special something gift ,that is a gr8 idea.. .. Kirstie Alley had a gr8 idea, she bought herself four dresses exactly the same design and colour ,from a size 14,10,8,6 ..EACH TIME she reached a mini goal she would wear the next dress size.. I thought it was clever ...maybe that can be our gift to ourselves ?
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Great work..I'm looking forward to being under the big 100,
Keep up the good work
Ally Russell
I'm so excited for you. Congrats that's an amazing loss.
Thanks girls for all the well wishes :) much appreciated I like the different dress sizes idea Leigh :p Lol .. Gotta keep motivated it so great being on this forum :)

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