End of week 6 weigh in day :) 2nd mini goal reached 10 .1 kg loss woo hoo !!!

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well I'm happy finally yippee got on the scales and am 100.2 kg first mini goal reached now to crack the double digits wish me luck for next week :):rolleyes: Has been a busy week and we had so much fun a the Thomas the tank train rides in Sydney yesterday my grandson Antonio and my great nieces Isabella and Elizabeth had so much fun ... I took my lunch and snacks I'm finding it easy now as far as meals I plan ahead.. And I'm making smart choices ...Duromine 15 mgs is working well for me side effects have all gone :laughing: I just feel stronger and more determined I had 40kg to lose 6 weeks ago & now I have only 30 kg to go it's amazing I feel so much healthier...wishing everyone a fantastic week with less kg on your scales ... We can do this we are fabulous women :p:):):cool:
Start weight 110.3 kg
This weeks loss 1.3kg
Current weight 100.2kg
Goal weight 70kg
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FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! you are on a roll !!!! you got me motivated , and you weigh less than me now !!!! hee heee .. good for you . planning is key , and having your body balanced now, with D and eating and exercise you well on your way now to reaching that 30kg loss now at a much quicker pace , Glad you and your grandchild enjoy "Thomas " ... go .. go ..goal !!!

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