End of week 8 loss only 600gms it's a loss of a tub of butter :) it's ok

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
It has been a week of highs & lows:):(...anyway I did stick to my exercise plan & walk 35 mins on the walker x 3 days did manage to burn 370 calories each time :) This weeks plan is to walk 4 days ...
Start weight 110.3kg
Current weight 98.5kg
Total loss 11.8kg
GW 70kg
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Well done Shellyisme. I am sporadic with the exercise. Trying to make it a part of my everyday. Not having huge success, but I am moving way more that I used to and that is a plus.
Do you eat your exercise calories?
Many of the diet tracker apps suggest you should. I am not convinced. I think if I was running a marathon it would be ok, but the exercise I am doing is just bringing my movement up to what I think is considered normal.
Just interested.
Have a great week.
Hi Sharon, I don't eat the exercise calories .. What's the point of doing the exercise if you do that ;) I guess if I was hungery I would, however the Duromine 15 mg is still working strong for me. I'm sticking to my 1000 calories, however most days I struggle to eat all the calories. My fitness pal says I'm eating to few calories, however I disagree 1000 cals is what I need to lose weight. I got fat from what I put in my mouth lol :rolleyes: Sad but true. I will be going off Duromine on Sept 20th as I sm going on a cruise to Fiji for 2 weeks :):) I'm looking forward to the cruise and trying not to worry about my weight while on hols.. I will go back on Duromine when I get home in October. I have so much weight to lose I have to be really dedicated to staying on track and keeping motivated have a great week wishing everyone lighter scales at the end of your week :)Stay strong everyone ;)
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Eat loads of salads and fruits and protein on your cruise ,you will be fine, and walk on the deck, and you will still have fun and a good time, enjoy the cruise you lucky fish !!! ,cannot wait for you to share all about it with us !!! ..
My CALORIES are far too low, 1200 the minute I eat 1400 I lose weight, without even exercising, now, I think it has to do with my Thyroid being so sluggish,so will be upping my calories this week to see if it is consistent and true .. Will be exercising though everyday for 5 days at 45 min .hoping to see a change in weight loss, in 1kg weeks instead of all these grams at the moment .. I agree no use eatin those calories you lose in exercise .. have gr8 week ahead you two !!
Hey Leigh can't wait to hear about the 1400 cals results if that works and you lose more than grams ...I'm going to try and up my cal intake.. Let me know how it goes ;)
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