Epic Failure To New Beginnings

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
ok it's time to fess up I have put on a staggering 4.4kg :eek::( I have been off duromine for 6 weeks have been on a cruise for 2 & half weeks then a week touring Singapore, yes I ate whatever I wanted & did have a few cocktails including the famous Singapore sling was yummy;) I'm back home & back at work it is time to take control back, I don't seem to have the motivation needed its a struggle I start the day right & eat healthy all day .....it's when I come home at night I am reaching for the snacks chips, lollies icecream & cake .... I guess the answer is get rid of the treats..... that's it !!!! out they go I'm clearing out the junk food today, hopefully this helps.
I hope I have better news to write next week
Start weight 110.3kg
Current weight 89.9kg
Goal 70kg


Time for the rest, time for the struggle!
Yes! Throw them all away, no more temptation to those snacks! :)
This was the only way to stick to healthy eating for me too. Especially, after stressful working day, when you cannot think of anything but bed and food)))) You can do it. If one method doesn't help, try another one. I mean if you can't resist snacks, ice cream, lollies, etc. at evenings, then do not buy them. Sounds terrible, but it is true and it helps. Good luck, Shelly darling!

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