Excuse me, has anyone seen my 25kgs?

  • Author 10th time lucky
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Good Morning!

It sure has been a while since I have written an entry, and by a while I mean something along the lines of........about 8 months!! Apologies, but sometimes life really does get in the way!

To say that the last 8 months has been a roller coaster ride, a big huge roller coaster which doesn't care how you feel, is quite an understatement! But, regardless of all the other aspects of my life, my weight loss has been going great!! I have managed to stay on track over a very hard period and come out much better for it!

Yes yes the big news is.....I'm 25kgs down!!!!!! Happy to announce that I am 98kgs :) below 100 for the first time in about 5 years! And it means that I am over half way and now closer to my weight loss goal than I have EVER been!!!
Oh it's a great feeling! I'm still loving the gym and have branched out to spin classes! Can you believe it? I was more afraid of spin classes than I am of spiders, but after doing my first class only 2 months ago, I'm hooked!!

I have dropped to a size comfortable size 16, sometimes a 14 depending on the brand of clothing and I can shop in the normal clothing stores now! It's amazing how something so small and always considered as normal for others can make you feel like a normal woman again :)

I have found my inner blogger again and I hope that life will now settle down and allow me the luxury to just enjoy it! Ha! Doubt it!

I would love to hear how everyone is going and I look forward to reading all your blog entries and catching up on all your stats :)

I will update you when I have my next weigh in, which at this time will be sometime in the next week!

Until then, be strong, be focused and show life that you are in control of your weight loss journey, regardless of what life decides to throw at you!!

The New Girl
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10th time lucky
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2 min read
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