
  • Author mum on a mission
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well today i am exhausted. I have not been to the toilet in 5 days and feel soooo Bloated. Anyone else have this issue. Sleep is a mixed bag some nights are good and others are shocking. Off to the chemist i go for some help in one department. I will update in a few days as to my weight loss this week. Not sure. My aim for next week is to get up each morning at 6 am and off to bootcamp 4 days a week. I have been to exhausted this week and have slept through my alarms 3 times so far.


Try taking in more fiber and also drink lots of water. Should help with the constipation. There are also great herbal teas for that if you want to stick to something natural.
Good luck with the Bootcamp, you can do it!
Hey mumma,
Have you tried taking your meds earlier? I am a sahm of 3 and take mine at 4am. Bed by 9pm. A good 7hrs of sleep.
I was a HUGE coffee drinker before starting D and i have found by having a coffee in the morning when i get up helps aid my bowel movements. (If you have heart palpitations i don't think this is a good idea).
Today is day 8 for me and am wondering. Have you found something that helps with the evening? During the come down, so your less snappy and easily agitated? ?
Also, think its time for a new update ;-)
What a crazy week it's been. I haven't taken duromine for a week as I have been in hospital with my daughter.( tired is an understatement). I was surprised when I weighed myself this morning that I had not out on any weight after eating at the hospital cafeteria all week so I am happy about that. I am starting my tablets again in the morning and I'm not looking forward to getting the dry mouth again. I have been drinking green tea each night which seems to be helping with the plumbing issues ha ha. I will start updating again regularly this week once I catch up on sleep. Looking forward to continuing with this journey after a slight bump in the road

Blog entry information

mum on a mission
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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