Faling Miserably

  • Author StormGirl2012
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
What a horrible week it's been thus far! Today I have been eating the chocolates I said I didn't feel like yesterday. Today I have the hunger that has not been there for the past week. Today I feel as though I've undone all of my good work from the past week. I haven't exercised yet this week although I plan to do so tomorrow after work, as we are finishing early. We have to go to a friend's place for Christmas Eve and a relative's place on Boxing Day. There will be pressure to eat all this food they've bought for us. There'll be pressure to drink alcohol. I'd rather not even go as I'll have to be answerable to everyone about something I feel is really not any of their business. I just want this week to be over and for the feeling of not being at all interested in eating to return. Perhaps I'm a bit hormonal this week too.


Stay strong! Maybe just choose something healthy out of all that food they will propose you. :oops:
I don't understand why people are so questionable when it comes to other people's issues... When you are sick and you have to take antibiotics and stuff like that, nobody really pushes you, but diet...oh lord! Everything will be ok. You just have to get used to the fact that you don't like eating all junk you used to, otherwise it will always tempt you and nothing will ever help to get rid of old habits and extra pounds.(( Sorry. This is our life - no more fast food, fatty home-made dishes, sweets and soda....Just fruit, vegetables, cereals, meat and dairy. Back to the caveman diet)))) :p:p:p
Hi storm girl I know how you feel, people seem to start to notice your not eating as much & then question it, & then continually ask you to try this or this lol ... I just stay firm & say no thank you I have just eaten, or I find another stratergy is to have somthing however just a small portion... It's really weird the minute you try to change your diet they get all concerned lol :) changing your diet is a good thing !!!!
have a merry Christmas ... Don't stress to much if you go t0 the celebrations enjoy them ... merry Christmas :)

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1 min read
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