Feedback-12months on

  • Author Jessikah
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
So I wanted to give my person opinion and feedback after taking duromine. I have a lot to say so here goes.
I waited 12 months befor getting the courage to get a prescription. To many people said bad things about it! The biggest one? "You put the weight straight back on plus some" well, I can't speak for others but for me personally, that is so not true. If you change your eating habits while you are taking duromine then it is very much possible to keep the weight off and even keep loosing weight. I mean really, who expects that they will keep weight off if they continue to eat bad food after they come off duromine?
I was taking 30mg tablets. I did 2 weeks straight, 1 week off, 1 week on, 1 week off and then the final week. I went from 74.5kg down to around the 64kg mark by the time I had finished the prescription. By that time I had developed way better eating habits and was enjoying healthier food. I also no longer craved chocolate and sweets as I had cut all of this completely out when I started taking duromine. I then continued to loose weight but I also gradually brought bits and pieces back into my diet. You see, I had hit rock bottom! I became extremly tough on myself about the weight loss and literally cut everything out of my diet when I started the tablets. I only ate fish, tuna, salad and veg for 1 month and then after that I introduced low calorie microwave meals. I didn't care about being vegan or clean eating, that stuff was way to confusing for me. All I cared about was loosing the weight asap! By 3 months into my diet change I had dropped to 57.5kg...that was a massive 17kg! (I am only 5ft tall) I was so happy with myself! A lot say I did it way to quickly and it was dangerous. I won't lie, there was days where I didn't feel hungry at all and I didn't eat, I definitely don't recomend that! These tablets definitely work for suppressing your appetite! There is no doubt about that. The only side effects i personally had was the days when I wouldn't get hungry at all, some minor headaches (which I can't even guarantee was from the tablets as I have a bad back and get headaches anyway.) and mood swings. The mood swings are why I broke up taking the tablets on and off.
I am now 13 months since I started the tablets, lighter than when I finished them and I can enjoy the naughty food when ever I feel like it because I'm not binging on bad stuff all the time. Duromine shouldn't be a go to every 6 months so you can eat bad all the time, it should be used to help motivate you to change your lifestyle. If used correctly it can help drastically! It isn't for everyone and I'm not saying it's the go to for weight loss, I simply wrote this to give my side and my personal opinion because there is more negative out there than positive. Oh and also I suffer from anxiety and duromine did not mess with that at all, I had tried 1 45mg tablet before I got my own 30mg prescription and that gave me heart palpitations, 30mg did not.
I don't know if this will help but I wish there had of been more blogs like this when I was researching.
Good luck!
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