Feeling a bit nervous about this post...

  • Author jDad4509
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Well, I have completed my 2nd pack of Duromine and I am feeling so good. I jumped on the scales this morning and have finally cracked the 100kg mark - I am down to 98kgs even!!!!

I wanted to lose 10kgs by the end of March and to date I have lost 16.3.

Now, why am I feeling nervous - well because I have put three images in to this post of myself, shirtless. Gosh, I am just so nervous about this but I am going to do it. I can see the change in myself but I wanted to share with everyone the difference that 8 weeks has made in my size. I have still cropped most of my face out (still a bit shy I guess) but here they are...

I am feeling so much healthy and happier. I know in one of my last posts I said that exercise was the next step and it is - just have to start doing it. Tomorrow morning will be a swimming morning while my eldest son is at bible study group.
I have also decided to take control of some other areas of my life so that I don't slip back in to my old ways. You see, I am a survivor of abuse while at school and I can now see that some of the habits that I have had for so long are a result of me trying to cope with what happened. Well that all ends now, I have sort help and am working through what happened and putting it in to perspective; I am NO LONGER going to be a victim. This is my life and I am going to live it, cherish it and love it. My family deserve the best husband and daddy that they can have and that I can be. I am going to give them that.


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