Feeling like a blimp

  • Author Fab Wannabe
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Work is so hectic, family life is crazy. Trying to work, run a house, be a good mother and wife and lose this FAT once and for all is proving impossible.

I am 29, I weigh a flippin wopping 133kgs, people younger than me call me aunty! I sit on plastic chairs and am afraid that I'm going to break it!

Im tired of feeling like a failure, but everything that I have tried is frruitless mainly as I lack willpower.

I have tried weigh less 8 times, herbalife twice, duromine twice, 3 day diet a number of times, going to gym, herbex, shape, kang mei and the list goes on. I have never been able to stick to a program and have a very addictive personality. Basically, I'm addicted to ffood. Any food as long as its there i want to eat it.

I have been on Duromine for 13days now. In the beginning I was not hungry etc and it seeemed to be working but I've been ignoring that inner voice and eating like a horse.

Tomorrow, I am going to make a concerted efffort to listen to that voice. I need to be able to look at the bigger picture, if I can lose 2kgs a week, that is 24kgs in 12 weeks and 48kgs in 24 weeks(6 months) I can be looking sexy and FAB!

So until tomorrow...


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Blog entry information

Fab Wannabe
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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