Feeling unmotivated

  • Author Elizabethstjepanovic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi all. I hope I'm doing this correctly so people can see. I'm 30 and I'm getting married in November. I haven't gotten a dress yet because I wanted to lose weight. I'm on my 6th week and I'm down 8kgs. From many posts I have read people are losing double this. I have a very weak back, wrists and ankles so exercise is difficult. I also have not been eating much throughout the day which I understand probably hasn't done me any good. I'm so depressed about this. If I start eating small portions of good food during the day is it too late for duromine to work? Have I wasted my time and just have to accept I'm going to be an 83kg bride? My bust is huge and that's not going to change, and I feel like giving up and crawling into a hole. Can anyone give me some advice? Thanks. Also I'm on 30mg and I don't always take it at the same time.


Hi Elizabeth,
First of all DON'T give up!!! 8kg in 6wks is awesome!!!! Give yourself a pat on the back xx

Now for harsh reality ok.....

I dont know these posts you're talking about people who started at your weight losing 16kg in 6 weeks. o_O I'm asuming your starting weight was 91kg (83kg +8kg). Look further through the posts and you'll actually find most of those people who lost 8kg in their first week have never posted again. Its the slow and steedy weight loss ones that long term are successful.

You haven't wasted your time. Change your eating habbits. If you dont think what you've been doing has been working enough then change it. Small healthy portions throught the day are good and make sure you calorie count. Duromine will still work for you. If you are serious about losing weight you are going to have to cut out ALL crap from your diet, soft drink, alcohol, junk (thats assuming you havent done that already)

Don't blame it on the sore/weak body parts. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and it's also hard for me to do stuff. But you can walk!! Little amounts but still do it.

Now I'm going to give you some hope.... ;) I also am getting married in November and I also haven't bought a dress for exactly the same reason as you. My start weight was 85.7kg (heavier than you are currently!!) And in 4 months on 30mg Duromine I lost 18kg and last weight in (last week) i was 67.7kg. I hope that's encouraging for you because it just shows its posible ;) xoxo I've writen lots of blogs and posted messages on what i eat and dont eat.

Good luck and just keep going!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for your encouraging words, I truly appreciate it. It's so nice to hear you've lost that weight, it does give me some hope!
Can I ask what exercise you do? I have pretty much cut out all junk and I don't drink. I have also cut out a lot of carbs (especially bread) but when I do have bread I have 1 piece of the low carb high protein Multigrain bread. I've started eating porridge in the morning too. What kind of things do you eat for snacks?
Thank you again so much and I wish you best of luck as well! Xx
That's what's great about this forum, it's all the encouragement from other members.

In answer to your questions...
My Exercise - only walking. I bought an exercise bike but have only been on it twice. The only exercise I do is walk walk walk.

My snacks are apples, carrots, yogurt, skinny lattes, celery.

Can I be honest here... you said you had "pretty much" cut out all junk food. If you are truely stressing about weight loss and your wedding then cut out ALL junk food. Not forever because you are obviously doing really well the way you are going, but if you are serious about it then do it. How you feel in your wedding photos is going to stay in your memory ALOT longer than the memory of what you are eating now.

You can do it!!! And feel free to ask as many questions as you like :laughing:

Yep agree. I said pretty much as I might have a biscuit or piece of chocolate a week but yeah I can definitely go without! Thank you so much again for your advice. Hopefully if I start doing that I still have a chance of dropping this weight lol!
I also ate 6 small meals today! I had porridge for breakfast, small handful of almonds for morning snack, ham and salad roll for lunch, more almonds, and some chicken (no skin) and cucumber and tomato for dinner
Do you realise that 8 almonds are 50 calories? Thats right. Only EIGHT almonds. How many calories do you eat a day?
I only have a small handful of about 10. I'm not counting calories just eating healthy and avoiding sugar and carbs where possible :)

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