FINALLY !!! ..results are paying off ...success on my journey to find MY personal Balance, for LIFE ...

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
This road is still very Loooooong, but I am enjoying the highs and lows, and challenges along the way, ,battered, bruised but unbreakable , lol ... I have been at this for 6 weeks now, and FINALLY I can say without any doubt in my mind now, I think I am on my journey to success now, found out this week what is working for me for my body to show results by being balanced. I am very much aware now that this is just another level, of balance towards the goal I have set for my body and mind , but I am enjoying this level right now , this week has taught me to listen and to be in tune with my body, in every way, especially in my cardio workouts and my food choices each day...I feel for the first time in many ,many years, to be one with my body again, sounds weird I know, hahaha but it is true, it reminds me of when I used to horseride, and feel my horse under me and we would ride as one, and when I used to do competitive swimming at school many ,many years ago , when i trained, and knew just how far I could push my body ,and fat it would allow me too .. It is a good place to be right now.I know it will change again, as I progress and get fitter and thinner and tone and have more stamina and endurance, but right now, just being in this mental state is a HUGE achievement for me, it feels as if I have been away from my body and mind and fat made residence in it and took over my vessel, again I sound so"out there ", I know, hahaha.. but this is the only way I can explain it right now ..I have lost 1.5kg this week, and 12cm ON MY WHOLE BODY,12CM !!!!! .. this is huge for me right now HUGE .. This new work out and eating plan I have struggled to balance is finally paying off.. No more shakes, potions, eliminations, thyroid excuses, exercise excuses, o carb excuses for me, NO MORE !! I ,have PROVED to ME , that I CAN do this FOR ME, BY MYSELF, mentally and physically, but also that I AM AWARE I need you all for support, and walking together day by day on this journey ..Thank you each and every one of you for being there for me on a daily bases, Especially you Kate , Shellyisme and Hotfizz, and all the new people I have met this week, all your life journeys highs and lows, help me to stay focussed ,each day , thank you .. hoping each one of you get closer to your goal each week , have a gr8 weekend everyone !!!...
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Woo hoo fantastic loss Leigh :) So happy for you I get on the scales on Sunday I'm hoping to be in double digits which is my next mini goal and I must start my exercise this week lol I say that every week :p Keep going strong girlfriend ;)
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12cm!! How exciting!! You have achieved amazing results, as much as you say so many ppl have encouraged and motivated you, that's fantastic , but I would also like to say you too are a great motivation to me, I always read your posts, your ups and downs, you never fail to write, I haven't been on here long and I may not always reply, but I do read your blogs, can relate to a lot you say, and it's nice to feel as tho I am not on my own going thru these emotions.
Thank you and good luck x
Wow what an amazing result. You have given me Hope & I am going to kick my diet and exercise up and change it up a bit. Keep at it girl! You know you've got this
Wow, you ladies ROCK!! thank you for your gr8 encouragement, and it means so much to me to know I am able to encourage you too ..We like one big team doing this together but instead of actually standing next to each other physically we are standing together by technology, and I see this "TECHNOLOGY thread" AS A LIFE LINE for all of us to catch and hang onto when we need a little tug to move forward and go on .. So thankful for Technology right now !! hee hee,GO.. GO ..GOAL everyone !! :)

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