First day of week 7 :) Bring it on I say !!!! :) :)

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Ok start of week 7.. I'm staying motivated :) I'm not saying its been an easy 6 weeks, I still have days when I want to eat something that I know I shouldn't, but you know what, I must be a bit of a control freak cause I like that I now control my urges to eat when I'm not hungry. Instead of going for the chippies, chocolate or champagne. I now go for the green tea or camomile tea ha ha !!! :) how boring am I :) :)
I have to admit I like the feeling of not being bloated any more and I don't want the muffin top body and I don't want to be the fattest person in the room anymore. I want to be seen as just me Shell... the person that I am :) I know I will never been skinny whatever that means.. I know I just want to be healthy and happy with the way I look.. I actually do like who I am, I just don't like what I have done to my body, and lets face it, I did this, so only I can take it away. Just letting of steam, I am happy because I'm on this journey to rediscover me :) .... I wish everyone week full of healthy choices and lost kgs have a great week :) :) and stay motivated !!!
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Well written. I can relate to all above. Tomorrow I would have completed week 2. Some days are harder than others. But we can all make it and achieve our goals.
Day 4 week 7 ..well I'm awake it was 355am and now is 453am ggrrrr not getting enough sleep 4 hrs 30 mins is not doing it for me :(. Not managing. To eat my calories only ate 700 yesterday I am aiming for a 1000 a day... Only bonus is I'm not grumpy I am calm lol :p I need to start exercising and turn the light out by 1030pm. Usually light out at 1130pm or midnight not good ..I'd better practice what I preach :rolleyes: Wishing everyone a good nights sleep :)
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Day 5 slept 8 hrs feel so much better woo hoo :) Feeling normal today looking forward to getting on the scales on Sunday I'm hoping to be in double digits wish me luck :)

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