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  • Author Suzette
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  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Today is my 2nd day on duromine 30mg.

Ashamed to say my starting weight is 119.5kg . boxing day I was 132kg and have manages to loose 12.5kg by quitting sugar and junk. Now using duromine to hopefully help me shed the rest. My goal is to get 80kg, if I do that never know I might just keep on going.depends how I look and feel I guess.

Concerned about side affects I'm having. Hoping they settle down in a few days.
Took my first tab at 8am yesterday 23rd march, and have not slept since and its now 1:30pm 24th march.
I can deal with sleep deprivation (might actually give me a chance to write those damn essays ) but I feel hypersensitive. I feel as those every hair on my body is standing on end and I can feel every follicle. Noises seem amplified and my mouth and throat is like sandpaper ( but actually making me drink more water so that's good) ...are these side effects normal and will they settle down...?


Hello Suzette, do not be ashamed of your weight, because you are doing everything possible and impossible to change the situation. Things happen in life.. and no one judges you for being the way you are now and willing to change for a healthy life. I am sure everyone here is ready to support and encourage you to never back down and keep going ahead. ESPECIALLY that you managed to lose 12.5 kg in less than 3 months on your own. BRAVO!

As for the side effects. You have those that are among the most often met side effects. They usually do settle down, yet it takes time. The hypersensitivity might be a result of no sleep. Dry mouth, yes, it’s a good thing which helps you get used to drinking more water. You don’t forget to drink when you feel thirsty. Don’t limit water amount. Your body needs it badly while adjusting to Duromine action. When the insomnia persists so strongly, people do take sleeping pills. Just remember to tell the pharmacist you are taking Duromine, to avoid any drug interactions. However, I would suggest you to give it 1-2 days to cool down. Hope you’ll be fine. Fingers crossed and looking forward on hearing from you about your plans and successes! Cheers
Day 4 today.
Been doing well. Side effects have settles. Sleeping fine and waking up about 7am (previous to duromine was always tired due to anemia so loving the energy) mouth still dry but drinking plenty of water. Hypersensitivity has settled. Only bothersome side effect now is itchiness of a night time.
Have not been hungry much but keep making myself have fruit for snacks then have a healthy dinner.
Was dissapointed tonight hubby wanted Oporto so I got what was meant to be a healthy choice- 1/4 chicken coleslaw and pita pocket, but after I ate it realized it had 880 calories. So my calories for today was close to 1400 and no exercise today (just spring cleaning).
On the upside weighed myself today( even though I was trying not till Wednesday) have lost 3.3kg In 4 days.
Oh, oh, wonderful news! Glad the side effects don’t bother you that much anymore!

Well done on the nutrition! Are you following any certain eating plan or just try to choose healthy foods and combine them well?

Mmmm…. Let’s make this day you one and only cheat meal during these 2 weeks. Deal? No disappointments! You’re just started! Keep it up! Workout a bit more and eat healthy till you finish your second week! Chin up and away you go! =))

3.3 kg in 4 days. It’s the first time I hear something like that! o_O all the retained water has left your body now, and it’s time to work on losing the fat mass. Keep it up! I am so happy for you! Congrats!

Have a great week and work it!
I've been eating healthy and excsrcising since boxing day. If I get hungry I eat;but I eat fruit or raw veg( sugar snap peas, snow peas, carrot sticks) instead of chips and biscuits.
Dinner is grilled meat And salad or toasted wrap, fish etc.
I try doing laps for an hr 3 times a week, went for a 2km walk(,need to build up for longer but have a back condition that causes nerve pain in my legs and its hard)
Bought an elliptical trainer on the weekend so I will get to my goal
Oh I see, so that’s when you started the entire weight loss process, and already managed to develop a certain routine. Well done again on your willpower!!!

Wonderful food choices! Just love it!

So sorry for your back… swimming could help you quite much! If you find a possibility, try it! Works great for both back and weight loss.

Congrats on the purchase! Make sure you do the exercises correctly, so that you don’t place any extra load on your back. Btw, there is a way you can use the elliptical trainer to effectively tone muscles in your legs (that is if you need it, of course).

Looking forward to your news and more wonderful results! You are a real role model of how a person can change his life. Keep up to it!

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