First week down

  • Author stokesy
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
First week officially on the duromine, done! Got on the scales this morning and found I have lost 1kg. Not a great loss, but i'm still happy to see change. A little is better than none right?? Work has been absolutely hectic the last week, Struggling to find the time to do my usual 7km walk, as I start at 7 in the morning, and sometimes am not home til 9-10 at night, in saying that, I am on my feet 24/7 at work, so hopefully its not too bad..! Looking at buying a fitbit tomorrow. Does anyone else have one?
Today has been a crappy day, have felt sick in the stomach all day :/ Not sure whats going on..
Anyways, until next time! :)
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Well done on losing that kilo :) Today marks my first week on Duromine, the batteries are flat in my scales though. I'm struggling with the exercise too, I've been walking but the last few days it's just too hot. Cheers

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1 min read
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