first week on duromine **:D

  • Author nz18
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi guys. I've being reading the comments from all the blogs and have decided to join. They've been very encouraging.Im 21 years old and have yo-yod with my weight..I've lost and then gained never keeping myself at healthy weight .I am now 96kg my heaviest...I've been on duromine for 6 days...a week tomorrow. Haven't experienced any bad side effect such as mood swings etc but have had dry mouth. I'm on 30mg duromine and I take it around 7 am . I don't have a problem sleeping at night so I don't mind taking it late. But lately I've seen I've been more hungry towards the evenings. Is that because I'm taking it too late? And what exactly should I be eating if I want to loose a lot of weight .I do walk everyday for about a hour.
Start weight 96kg
current weight 93
goal weight 65kg

really want this to work.excited to om this journey with u guys.:)
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Hi nz18
I had the dry mouth as well. It does get better. How are you sleeping? I found it took me a few weeks to get my sleeping patterns sorted.
If you can handle the first couple of weeks then you should be fine.
Eating is different for everyone. Try keeping a diary and see what happens. I use an app called My Fitness Pal because it is easier than looking things up. Make sure you do eat though. I found that I forgot to eat and that is not good. Several small meals a day is recommended. My biggest problem is portion size, I eat way too much. The solution is to eat half what I would normally. Served up on a side plate. I stick to around 1000-1200 calories a day. Drink lots of water too.
Sounds like you have the exercise side of things covered with the walking every day.
Good luck and keep writing in your blog. The support here is fantastic.
Thanks Sharon so much for the advice.
I need to practice eating healthy foods when I do have somethng to eat. At first I thought that if I could go the whole day without eating I was doing the right thing (although I knew it would harmful)but I thought I would be atleast loosing weight but after I've read these blogs its made me aware that I need to eat. So just working on eating healthier choices and portion size cause I can get carried away. My sleeping is good I have no problems at all.i have to go for medicals soon so im hoping I loose abit more Weight. Breakfast I usuallt have all bran... lunch avocodo or tuna on high fibre brown bread and dinner a yogurt ,fruit sometimes the usual dinner that the family has but a small portion.the foods im focusing on eating are fruits,avocodos,tuna,chicken,high in fibre bread,bran flakes .and whatever I fry its in olive oil. I hope im on the right track with these foods .Thank u once again for the advice.
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Sounds like you are on the right track. You need to use the D to train yourself into better habits. Smaller portions, better choices, whatever you need. That way, once you are no longer on the D you have a much better chance of continuing and keeping the weight off. If you don't eat, you are setting yourself up for failure. You cannot keep it up and you don't learn anything.
Hi Nz 18 I find if I'm hungry in the evening after my dinner I have a pod of Aldis light drinking chocolate with hot water and skim milk ... It really works for me and like Sharon I use my fitness pal and document my calorie intake everyday:) I find this makes me accountable :p I put my exercise in as well and I never eat my extra burned calories from the exercise I know I'm boring lol but it's really working ....:)
Have a great week... & keep eating healthy ... You need to eat :)
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Hey guys .thank u guys so much for all the encouragement. I've been recording everything I've been eating(with the mypal and with S HEALTH) but I've hit a road block I'm consuming maybe 500 to 700 ..on a odd day 1000 calories. I know I have to eat but I'm terrified of putting the weight soon as I eat I feel my stomach just looks bigger and I get all depressed as apose to when I wake up in the morning and see my tummy seeing my tummy flat makes me not want to eat anything. I know I need to eat and when I do eat its tuna or avocodo or all bran flakes .please help starting weight was 96kg.. frst weigh in 94kg and on the second week I am currently 92.2kgs. I have medicals in 2 weeks that's also why I'm pushing myself so hard. Thank you guys for been here sometimes it feels like nobody understands this battle.
I also started aerobics/taebo class which is about a hour long so im burning alot of calories as well as doing atleast 10 000 steps a day.

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