• Author Emily97
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
So this is my first week on the 30 mg duromine, i weigh in on saturday.

Firstly id like to give you guys some backround information on me; im 19 and my starting weight was 86kgs. I've always been big, i think its in the family. I used to try diets every month but nothing seemed to stick.

So this is the 5th day on them, and i havent had any sleeping issues like everyone keeps saying, so im grateful that i still get enough sleep. I definitely have less to eat, my portion sizing has gone down loads. My whole lifestyle has changed.

This is really making me feel more better about myself but the one thing is i havent had them bursts of energy like everyone else says so idk if it will come later or not.

But ill let you all know on saturday how i get on the scales

P.s ive also added some pics of my body shape from the health cube at my local shops


Hello Emily! Welcome to the forum and may your Duromine journey be a very successful and full of achievement and happy moments!

Congrats on no side effects AND on a good appetite suppression effect! Lucky you, got them all at once! =)) As for the energy, it might not come, I am sorry. Though, of course, we will be hoping that it does come eventually. Still, you have to talk yourself into engaging for sports. It’s very important if you want to get great results, so don’t postpone the start of exercising!

Don’t forget to drink enough water and best of luck for the first weigh in. Looking forward to the results! Congrats with the new lifestyle! Cheers!
Welcome Emily97!

So great that you decided to change your life and actually enjoy it. You are lucky not having sleeping side effects, I hope others won't show up either. I agree with April - the appetite suppression effect helps a lot, especially when it comes in time, because some people complain not having any during the first days. Small portions, a lot of water and some exercises - all you need at the moment. So, I think you're doing great and I wish you to get the first weight loss results soon!
Thank you ladies! I bet ill be sleeping like a log tonight :)
Hi, Emily! Seems we are a little alike :) My weigh/measure day is Saturday as well, and I don't really have any symptoms either :)

Lots of luck for tomorrow! I'm sure we'll both do really well!

p.s. What is this "health cube"? Looks pretty nifty! I'd like to see what I look like as well!
Welcome - What is "health cube" looks great. I'd be interested to see what I look like too
Thanks @StarryG i will definitely be posting about it, hopefully good results.

and its called mPORT -
theres the link to there website, im not sure if its a worldwide thing or just Australia but let me know @Vamp Girl & @StarryG :)
Emily, how did you do today? Don't worry if it is not as you thought. It took my body 3 weeks to get used to the effects of the Duromine. Looking forward to seeing your next post.

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