
  • Author fatchic
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  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Day thirty one on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Started the day reasonably well, was up and had taken my tablet by 8.45. I should probably note by 'up' i refer to being dressed and ready to function as opposed to waking up. For breakfast i had one polski ogorki, one pickled onion and a cherry tomato at about 10am. Because of the whole carbs are the evil that haunt the night philosophy i haven't been as diligent with removing loaves of bread from the freezer in time to defrost :oops: I just don't think of it til it's too late. Younger sister was terribly unimpressed as she refused to eat anything but toast for breaky and the bread was so frozen i couldn't separate it. She went on strike, wanted to colour posters, banners, signs and assembled a union. Cries of no no we wont go feed me toast cause cereal blows could be heard three suburbs over. Apparently she's really passionate about bread o_O. Note to self, defrost more bread.
After the kidlets left i got stuck into cleaning. Normally i do the dancing first but a week with two kids determined to see how much of a mess they could create had turned the house into a disaster area and where i can generally get away with a light clean up of each room to keep the place tidy and organized that just wasn't going to cut it.. After pushing all thoughts of dropping a match and watching the pretty flames from my mind i got to work.
Managed to do 2 hours of just dance 3. Instead of starting with dance central i figured while my knee is iffy i would concentrate on only the one game, just dance 3 won out because the leg movements are not monitored as rigidly and the moves are pretty basic.. Consisting mostly of stepping in place or three steps to the left (and back again) also where, rarely, the moves called for jumping or were more complicated i simply kept stepping in place or doing what was comfortable. I did get carried away once or twice and either lifted my leg up too high or attempted a kick but the pain was pretty grounding and i returned rather quickly to taking it easy. My mother was recently diagnosed with suffering from a frozen shoulder and whilst it didn't occur through inactivity i found out that if a muscle is hurt and people avoid using it and over compensate with the other arm / leg etc that this can be a result so I'm pretty determined to keep pushing it a little- not to the point the pain is agonising because risking damage is idiotic but just enough that i can feel it :) its like poking a bear with a stick saying hey you there are you awake and then backing off reeeeeeally quickly before it decides to eat you or in this instance go lame.
Drank 2.5 litres of water today, not enough to drown a fish perhaps but better than yesterday. Ate another polski ogorki or three for lunch and two pickled onions. The polski ogorki are an awesome treat for me to find as they are only about 10 calories each and so yummy :) they are reminisent of my childhood days at my oma and opas home.
Now to the part of the day that sucked balls. Big hairy stinking balls. For tea my son had pie, chips and veg thinking to cut the carbs and do the right thing (HA!) i had a coles meal curry pot butter chicken 350gms i had opted for the more expensive meal as it was sans rice and in a bit of a barbie moment (just cause i don't look like one doesn't mean i cant share the pea brain) i assumed that as it was all meat it would be pretty much fine and i didn't check the nutrition label :( I noticed the meal tasted pretty sweet and i know butter chicken is typically mild but i was concerned or perhaps just not as impressed as i tend to like a bit more bite in a curry mild or no so i looked at the label. If there was a shovel handy i probably would have brained myself. 1066 calories in one, while not really tiny still not huge, looking meal. Pity i looked after i had consumed like basically ALL of it. Feel like the biggest dick ever. Totally devastating. I had been on an average of 750-800 calories a day and today i freaking doubled it. DOUBLED IT.
Not a lot i can do about it now bar cry hysterically and that's not really a lot of fun so i will pass. Guess i just take it as a lesson learned.. Pretty sure, positive in fact, that if i don't put weight on this month (aside from that being a miracle in itself) that i will either just break even or at best i can hope for a 2kg loss. I'm going to keep working on the low intensity dancing and try not to have any more mistakes with my diet but really not sure that's enough. The dancing was supposed to bide me over while my stomach healed and now my knee is getting in the way :confused: Ah well we can only but try yea.


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