Getting there

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day forty six on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Had a hearty breakfast of bacon, cheese and pepperoni this morning, followed by a mandarin. Did a little over an hour on dance central 2.. I've noticed this too has stated less calories burnt for the same period of time than the previous game even though the dances appear to be more involved with your whole body so i assume they updated their system. Previously it was a noted 500 calories being recorded as burnt in a one hour period which is now reported at 300. It's great that it is more accurate just a little disheartening as i am usually only managing an hours workout lately. For lunch i had a handful of frozen blueberries and another mandarin and for dinner a lamb pinwheel and 3 rashers of bacon :) witwoo carbs begone :)
Currently i am using a vanilla and blueberry scented moisturiser with added collagen as my skin dimples to try to keep it supple and aid elasticity but as this was a gift and getting close to the stage it needs replacing i am going to have to consider what else to buy.. Probably wont do my confidence levels oodles of good if i do manage to lose dramatic amounts of weight but have such a load of flappy excess skin i could flap my arms and fly away on holiday :laughing:.
I bought some fish oil tabs to help with the joint pain i have been experiencing and bar the first night the pain has been relatively non existent which is great. My left knee still twinges occasionally but i am assuming that perhaps it wasn't entirely healed when i threw myself back into the whole working out thing.
Drank only 2 litres of water today and i have noticed my face playing up again lately. Whether it is a result of any individual thing or all of them the stress, smoking again and the couple of nights hitting the bourbon have definitely not done it any favours.
My sons 5th birthday is rapidly approaching (next Thursday) and a lot of my time and effort is going into planning his carnival themed party on the following Saturday. I am going to have to be particularly careful around the party food (evil carb filled crud overdosed with calories and singing siren songs) and making his cake will no doubt be torture. I refuse to capitulate as i did on my nieces 5th birthday last weekend however and will refrain from sampling the chocolate pieces if it kills me :rolleyes: it very likely might. Pizza has proven to be a weakness of mine but twice in the last week now i have managed to resist and if an alternate food was unable to be found i simply removed myself from temptation, being unable to smell it readily prevents my being unable to resist it.
Still have a ways to go but i am relatively happy with my effort this week.
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