Goodbye depressed fat woman! Hello fit chick!!

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hello everyone! I have missed scrolling through to see how everyone is going I'mma do that today! As we know life gets busy and although I don't blog much I still wonder how my friends are going :)! And still can't believe how far along u all have come! At this point in my life I have had ups and downs , good days bad days! Days where my old habits have visited and days I feel like I could take on the world! It is all part of this journey and that's why I refer to this experience as a journey! Because each day is different motivation has been explained to me as a "bad boyfriend" always gone when we need it most and not very reliable! Stop searching for it!!!! Motivation is good but INSPIRATION is much better! So do stick it out have your tanty cries and snap out of it get back on and ride the fitness train again! Read others stories and blogs and learn from them! If u need a shoulder post it!!! Because support is needed and is the number one PUSHER! Instead of searching motivation just search INSPIRATION!!!! Leave post it notes in places u often see yourself re visiting your old habits!!!! I have one on the fridge pantry and bathroom mirror!!! Do something new for yourself each night as a treat for your hard work that does NOT involve food! Give yourself a facial paint your nails a nice bath with candles!!! Anything to look forward to at the end of the day when the partner and kids are asleep! Lol I have def come along way and am very very much more open minded to the struggles and achievements!!! So here are my weightless results this week :)

Start weight : 110kgs
Start date : 13/5/13
Start BMI : 38.1
Today's weight : 86.1kg
Today's date: 28/8/13
Today's BMI 29.8

Total weight loss :23.9kg

Goal weight: 75kg
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