Happy Happy Happy So Close To My Next Mini Goal

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well it's been a up & down week .. No exercise :eek:bad Shel :rolleyes: ok well I'm only human :p however have been really good as far as sticking to my healthy diet no cheating using my fitness pal everyday .. Whoever invented that app I am eternally grateful too:) it totally keeps me on track and has since June 29th 2014 .... Once I reach my goal weight I will always continue to use this app as I need to never ever forget how far I have come and how awful I felt about myself :( any way enough of that I have had an amazing week career wise will let you all know next week:cool: life is good I have lost an amazing 1.6kg this week yippy yippy totally doing the happy dance ;):);):):):p Can you believe it's going to be February 15 tomorrow wow :eek:
Wishing everyone a fantastic week with lighter scales :)
Start weight 110.3kg
Loss 27.8kg
Current weight 82.5kg
Goal weight 70kg
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Well done Shelly. Looking at your progress over the last few weeks I am now wishing I had kept on track. You are leaving me in your dust!
How great is the My Fitness Pal App?!
I do so well when I am using it ... Started tracking everything again yesterday.
This morning I changed my meal categories so that I have breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and dessert. I was finding that lobbing all of my 'snacks' together it did not give an accurate picture of my eating habits. Also I separated dessert as it is an occasional thing and never accompanies dinner, it is usually later in the evening and yesterday adding dessert to my dinner made dinner look like it was 640 cal instead of around 400.
Big Girl SA
Congrats! It looks like the 3 of us (myself, Smick and you) are having a competition and you are wiping the floor with us, hehehehe! Keep it up, you are a big inspiration and reading your blog helps me on my "off" days. You are so close to your goal weight, can you see the light? :laughing:

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