HELLLLOOOOOOOOO EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is so good to be back here with you all again !!! missed you all heaps ...

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
What a 3 and a bit week challenge it sure has been .... no gmail access , friends from my home town arrived unexpectedly and our dog of 14 yrs passed away on Monday Morning {Technically Sunday} as he was in another country at the time ..... so it has been quite an EMOTIONAL CHALLENGING WEEK for me, mentally and spiritually, and physically, too ....

I have been "consistently erratic "over the last few weeks ,LOL

MY FOOD JOURNAL Has had no complete entries since week 11 !!!!!!!!!! {I am currently at the end of week 15}
EXERCISE, WHAT !! EXERCISE ???. besides cleaning the house, cutting the grass, and grocery shopping, there has been no !! 1 hour of any exercise that raises the heart rate in any form or shape ,unless sex counts???? ,hahaha{ oops ,sorry maybe I should not have added that bit in }

NO SCALE.. the only contact I had with it was bumping my toe every morning on it when I went to the loo .

NO MEASURING ... Did have a thought every now and again to hang myself with the tape measure though, hahaha { only kidding } I did not have a comment for this heading ...;LOL

I have been so good and on track for weeks now, and no amount of emotional upheavals i nthe past 11 weeks shook me or broke me, but last weeks tragedy with my little miniature Daschie, passing away so suddenly , broke my stronghold on so many levels... I ate a WHOLE HUGE TOBLERONE ALL BY MYSELF to drown my sorrows, and then the added frustration of no internet access ,and my sons final matric exams ,tipped me over the edge into a huge depression, of whatever !! who cares!! ...life is hard... blah blah blah !! lol .... So I just let everything go, closed the door to the study, did not have contact with friends on my phone, nor Ipad ,not lap top , no journal entries for Duromine, no D tablets, no water, hardly any nutritious food...meat, chicken potato, rice, tortillas, hot chocolate, Chocolate and Donuts were my staple diet ...my men could eat like this every day ,they thought it was xmas every day in the house, hahahahaha.. but my body was starting to shut down on me, at a rapid rate, soooo tired, moody, sore joints, headaches, "sugar pimples " the list goes on and on .... By week 13 I tried to get my head back into it but my heart was nowhere near it , to sore and raw and sad , missing my "PICKLES " terribly ... Tried to eat right for three days in that week THEN FAILED MISERABLY FOR 6 days after that ,as friends arrived from my old hometown in my old country ,and we went sightseeing ,star gazing and into an eating frenzy , trying "ALL THING AUSTRALIAN "...END of week 14 I tried to put my big Girl pants on and and ate right for three days ,washed windows, huge long double story ones, so got a good cardio workout with that , now week 15 and here I am BAck in the land OF REALITY , AND PURPOSE ,and driven to get back on track and conquer my demons ..all donuts, chocolate, chips, and sausages are in the bin .... Got on the scale this morning to see the "damage " and I was 99.3kg so a LOSS but not a good one at all, by now technically I should be 10-15 kg if not 20 kg down , it has almost been 4 months ..and I am not even at a 10 kg goal weight loss mark yet... so this has been a very good wake up call for me...I DO NOT like the place I go to when I have no control over my life or myself, so this is a life lesson learnt ... Hubby is setting up an exercise regime for me for the next 4 weeks boot camp style , and I have to go by the new grocery list of foods today, NO CARB month for me for brekkie or dinner and ALL WATER , and REST ..This month has to count for the last 2 months of wasted half hearted effort ....BRING IT ON I SAY .... this goal weight target is for you this month Pickles , love and miss you everyday, but will never forget your love, bark, and funny habits ,they remain deeply pressed on my heart , woof !!woof !!old faithful friend, till we meet again in doggy heaven ...... HOPE YOU ARE ALL HAVING A BETTER WEEK, AND MONTH than me, and if not well I am here to walk WITH YOU and plod along to the finish line no matter how long it takes ...Schmick,Shelly is me, and Hotfizz I HOPE YOU ARE ALL WELL missed you ladies , and Kate, it is so good to be back here on your forum ,and here what you have to share with us all ..
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Glad to see you back.
Not so good to hear you have had struggles. I battle with this all of the time. I know where you were because I have been there too.
We are here to lean on.
I know that posting here and airing my troubles has been a huge factor in keeping me focused and not falling too far when I am facing difficulties.
I know, sometimes we just want to go AWOL and be in our own little cocoon of food and old habits. I feel it sneaking in too.
BUT you have to fight it. Depression is the enemy and we have to wage war. Do not let it win and make you feel worse. This time you have battled and come back. Not too many casualties to report. You had a loss and not a gain. You need to regroup and focus your energy on winning.
So sad to hear that your pet died. I know that a tragedy like that can make you head straight for the comforts that you used to do (eating etc) now is the time to find something that you can use to comfort yourself that is not going to make you feel guilty afterwards and send you spiralling into a depression. I probably would have dealt in a similar way if my dog passed away.
You are back on the right path and that is the main thing.
I have missed you too.
Things have been going very slowly for me and I had a 0.3 kg gain this week - I have gotten on top of it though and am now down a kilo since Tuesdays weigh in.
We can support each other with this.
We have to put a real effort in before the madness of the silly season sets in. This is really scaring me. I have not got any plan in place to tackle all of the stress and triggers that go with the holiday season. As well as all the food and being out of routine, making it trickier to complete any exercise.
Looking forward to a much better week for both of us.
Welcome back Leigh I missed you, I have missed reading your blogs. I'm so sorry that you lost your beloved pet life can be harsh Hun...however as Sharon said we are here for you :) and we have all been guilty of being human and having a blow out mine lasted for 2 weeks lol :p & resulted in a massive gain I'm glad you had a LOSS :) ...your boot camp idea will work .. You know why I believe that .. Because I know how good you felt when you were incontrol...& I too like that feeling .. That's why getting back on track for me has been a easy, however still a challenge I like the feeling of being incontrol of my own life plus it helps when people say gee your lost weight your face looks thin:p lol they haven't said that about my butt yet he he he :rolleyes: waiting for that day :) so here's wishing us all a lighter scale for our weigh in day stay poitive and motivated your not alone we are all in this together :):):);) xx
HI LADIES, it feels good to know I was missed, thanks for that .. I missed you all too.. need to read those entries of yours every day , they truly help me to focus and see the prize and goal at hand, as we get so distracted by life ... hope you are all having a very good week so far .... we can do this !!!...

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4 min read
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