Helloooooooooo! 1.5 Month Progress

  • Author Tash
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Hello fellow struggling weight-losers (that sounds like an insult haha),

I haven't posted at all this year but I have been back on Duromine for almost two months now and I just want to share my story so far. (Prepare yourself, this is a long one! o_O)

So I started a new job in April, it is a job I really enjoy and it pays well :laughing:. You'd think being happy in a job would help with the overeating, however because I catch the train, I pass Coles on my way home and for WEEKS I was stopping in there and getting the same thing, almost every night. A large packet of salt and vinegar chips and a chocolate bar (sometimes a block):(. I literally couldn't help myself. I had no idea why I was compelled to go buy that and on the nights I forced myself not to go I was so irrationally miserable, as in I'd walk to the fridge and stare inside for ages and usually either end up going back to Coles anyway or crying myself to sleep:(. This emotional response to food was really scaring me and I couldn't talk about it with anybody because I only really have my mother to talk to and she isn't what you'd call supportive of eating disorders (or whatever I had was), she'd just blame it on me being lazy or something. So over these first few weeks of my new job I gained over 5kg and I was feeling gross. I tried eating right, I am really good at finding healthy meals and not buying junk food when grocery shopping but I couldn't get rid of that crazy urge to go to Coles every evening.

Finally after being thoroughly miserable with my mind and body, as well as causing some long lasting pain to my tongue from over eating salt and vinegar chips, I decided to go to the doctor and get Duromine. I thought it would be difficult to convince my doctor of what I wanted but she handed them over with no question. She also gave me 3 repeats straight away:eek:. This kind of worried me, not for me because I am responsible with these drugs but for other people. To be given such a powerful and addictive drug so easily could be dangerous. But anyway, I asked for the 40mg because I wanted maximum results and I could afford them with my new job. So that same afternoon I picked up my first prescription and began the journey to "happy body" on the 1st of July.

First of all I love being on Duromine, most people get horrible side effects; jitters, crazy dry mouth, anxiety etc. But for me I feel normal. Well normal people normal:p. When off the pills I am always so tired, unhappy, and I feel like there is a fog covering my brain. It is very hard to function when feeling like this and when on Duromine the fog finally clears and I feel alive. Of coarse the first week is always overwhelming but getting through that is worth it;).

So I was taking them everyday and finally weight started coming off and all cravings for junk food disappeared.:laughing: I however didn't get the over energised feeling I was hoping for to push me to rejoin the gym.:oops: I play netball on the weekends and the first game whilst on Duromine I almost passed out, I was seeing spots and my heart was racing like crazy. After that week I decided to only take the pills Monday-Friday and take a break on weekends. This method seems to actually help with weight loss. :laughing: My body no longer got used to the pills and so when I had my cheat day on the weekend and started the pills again on the Monday my metabolism was being jump started every week. I never felt withdrawals on the weekends and never really felt all that tired, so kept at it and BONUS Duromine will now last 5 weeks as opposed to 4 haha. :p

Okay for Month 1 progress was this:
Starting weight (01.07.15) = 88 kg
Month 1 Result (31.07.15) = 83.5 kg
This week = 4.5kg
Total = 4.5 kg
Goal = 73 kg by November 1st (15kg in 4 months)

:laughing:I was really happy with these results and started seeing changes and FINALLY after some inspiration from a friend I joined the gym. These last two weeks I have gone 3 times a week and been doing 20 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weight training. I am going to increase this 30 minutes of cardio and focus more on cardio than muscle training. I build muscle crazy fast and, whilst making men and female body builders jealous it is not what I want. I hate really running but to look how I want to look I will endure! :confused: Also I added fish oil tablets to my diet and I found that they really helped getting the numbers of the scale moving.

Naturally my weight loss has slowed after the first month but Duromine is helping me with cravings, the food I now buy at the store and prepare is all I eat and I don't feel depressed without the chips and chocolate.;) I am still not completely happy but at least now this is something that will help me to eventually become happy. My friend is encouraging me to go to the gym and we both have FitBits so we challenge each other every day and I think thats what I need.:cool: I really want to be able to get to where I am happy and comfortable with my body. Hopefully this time round I can. :rolleyes:

If you made it all the way down here, well done and thank you so much for 'listening'. :p I'll try to remember to post month 2's progress in a few weeks. Let me know about your journey too!
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Loved ya story your weight lose is nearly the same as me so im hoping my next loss is 4.5kg.
Well done

Blog entry information

Read time
4 min read
Last update

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