help if you can.. pretty plz

  • Author Nattynat
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a great easter and didn't eat to much chocolates like i did lol.

Well following on from my last blog, I ended up getting a call today regarding the job interview outcome.
Guys, they actually want me to go ahead with the recruitment process and I'm up to stage two which means I need to attend a doctor appointment and complete test, which includes having a blood test and taking my blood pressure.

I am the preferred applicant for the position, im verrrryyyy happy, however my question is will Duromine come up in my blood test? I finished taking Duromine last wednesday, and today I started Phen 375, i'm wondering if the weight loss pills come up in my blood test? Does anyone know? Kate if you read this pleaseeeeeeee let me know what I should do.
Should I stop taking Phen375 and do the test and then after the test continue it, or should I be honest and tell the doctor i'm taking weightloss tablets etc. If anyone else knows please feel free to comment

Its a government position, (social work, working with young children) & I honestly don't want them to know I'm taking weight loss tablets, i'm not ashamed of it, I honestly think it's my business and it shouldn't effect my ability to do my job.

Have a great afternoon, happy weight loss top you all xxo


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