• Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
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  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi Kate ,and everyone else who might be interested in what I have to say ....
Since Friday last week I have been eating ALL 1200 calories, fish, chicken, pork,lean mince, salad greens, feta cheese, peppers, green beans, weet bix, skim milk, brown sugar{very little }, avocado, lentils and veg soup, {no potato }turkey bacon, {very little }, spray and cook, and one whole wheat roll, Friday Saturday and Sunday...This Friday coming is weigh in and measurements , I put on a pair of jeans that I have not worn in the last 5 months, and they were comfortable around the waist area for the first time, so I know I must have lost cm, but I GOT O N THE SCALE THIS MORNING MONDAY 11TH AUG, because I could not resist knowing what my weight would be, having eaten 3 days in a row all 1200 calories ...Got such a huge shock, 1 KILOGRAM UP!!!!!!!! my first weight gain in 5 and a half weeks, only exercise on Friday{ 50 minutes }and Saturday,[three hour walk, outdoors with my daughter , }Sunday rest day .. could it be that my body is just adjusting to all the food suddenly that I am consuming ?? ..and all the sleep I am getting, 8 to 10 hours of sleep now compared to 500-700 calories and 5 hours sleep ???, I am not allowing this to get me down or demotivate me, I HAD WEETBIX at 8am this morning, and decided to take 30mg, instead of 40mg this week, and will be seeing my GP next friday ,with the hope that I would have lost another 2-3 kg when I see her ,but if this is happening to me, I am not sure how else to get my eating and exercise balanced ,advice would be gr8 from any of you , have a good week, and go.. go ..goal ... :)
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Hi Leigh mmm that's interesting, I'm not sure, what the answer is to the gain, could be hormonal could be fluid retention...I would like to see what others have to say. All I know is if you stick to your meal plan, calories, do your exercise & continue the positive lifestyle changes the weight will come off :) I have decided that if I lose anything I'm happy thats what I'm aiming for I am not putting to much pressure on myself. This weight has come on over the years so I guess its going to take time to come off :) . Good for you to not letting this little bump in your journey get your down, your a strong and powerful women and your going to lose this weight :) kick those kilos to the curb !!! you go girl have a fabulous week :)
hee hee ,:)thank you Shellyisme..I am just carrying on like nothing has happened, I had my weetbix, and made cauliflower and broccoli soup for lunch, and did a 6o min cardio work out , so feeling pretty good today, only had D 30mg and it is all good, I only start pms next week,so not sure if it s water I am retaining, my fingers were swollen this weekend though so that is good point ....But yes lets wait and hear what Kate has to say..I am not worried how long it takes to lose the weight ,as I am aware it might take me a year or so, as it is 30 to 35kg, I need to lose, but I must admit, I did feel a little pressure when my GP decided for me that a kilo and half was not enough a week for me to lose, and put me on 40mg, so will see what this week brings on the scale and in measurements, then chat to my GP next week..You have a good week too ..;)
I'm sorry Leigh, I don't know how I missed this post...:(
Your diet is very good and full of nutrients, although I would exclude pork...still. Your 1 kg gain is not a reason to worry I think. My first suggestion: water retention (as you've said it is almost time for pms, that is most likely). Another one: 8 hour sleep. It is very good for our bodies, yet improves metabolism and is usually recommended for people who are trying to gain weight.

Think harder - maybe you weigh yourself at the wrong time? I mean if you usually had your weigh ins in the morning, this one was taken in the evening? No?.. Because our weight differs at different time of the day, naturally. But I'm sure you know that. Then, maybe physical activity should be higher?..o_O

Anyway I don't think you should worry now. Keep going because your diet plan is great and can be a good example for many. Only your body must obey to you:laughing:
hee hee , Thank you Kate, I WEIGH in the morning straight as I get out of bed,only with my underwear on, after being to the loo ..I agree it is my activity level, I have increased it now, and I have seen much better results and faster results than before by doing so..I only eat pork once a month, and it is not belly pork only the fillet ,is that not good either,?? as I was told pork fillet has less fat than most meats, but I could be wrong .. THANK YOU FOR ALL you input Kate it helps me so much to know I am on the right track, but also what to be aware of, so thank you for always replying to my messages.. going to go measure myself now, hoping for good results..

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