
  • Author Busterhad4
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
In was prescribed Duromine 2 weeks ago, not really because I am hugely over weight but I have the potential to end up that way. I have a binge eating disorder where I eat copious amounts of sugary foods and then restrict a lot of food. I begged by doctor to give me these drugs so that maybe this could stop this self inflicting habit. The first week was great but awful but great at the same time. I had the headaches, the dry mouth, and inability to eat. I tried to force myself to eat 1200 calories a day. The drugs seemed to work and I did not crave any sugary foods. Then almost a week and a half into it I had no symptoms and I was craving all the bad foods again and I went on a binge. I have been on this binge now for 4 days and still taking the duromine and this is having no effect on me. I of course have not lost any weight. Whats happening with me...feel like I am lost cause. i used to be so dedicated. I used to exercise for 2.5 hours a day and got down to 45 kilos. I counted calories and had no fat in my diet. About 2 years ago I got injured and couldnt train like I used to and I lost the motivation so i have gained 10 kilos in 2 years. Feel like a loser.


Hey :) So, everybody will eventually become tolerant to Duromine and no longer experience the appetite suppressant qualities they did in the past. Having said that, two weeks is generally not long enough for this to be the case. You could see your GP about increasing the dosage, however I suspect this isn’t a result of tolerance or insufficient dosage so much as a deeper underlying psychological issue that you need to resolve before you can truly change your behaviour to lose weight. If you have been diagnosed by a medical practioner as having Binge Eating Disorder then you know it is not a physiological disorder- it’s a psychological one requiring psychological help not a prescription for Duromine. I don’t know if you’re seeking treatment, but if you aren’t then it might be time to consult a psychologist to explore the underlying causes of this disorder for you and learn new strategies for coping and changing your behaviour long-term. Having said that, you said you were 45kg and put on 10kg which makes you 55kg? Is that correct? If it’s not and weight loss is your goal, how much are you aiming to lose? Is it really worth your sanity if you’re in a healthy weight range and have no health problems to speak of? Either way, I suspect Duromine alone will not be enough to help you- you may need some CBT to aid your weight loss in conjunction with it (assuming you’re even overweight). Love.

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