Honeymoon is over

  • Author fatchic
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Day fifty four on Duramine (metermine) 40mgs-
Today was a little, well, down right sucky :) After feeling relatively proud of myself and my efforts to avoid carbs all day yesterday, today i reverted to looking for a nearby rock i might crawl under and wait out the next decade of my life. $200 food shopping does not stretch terribly far in a fortnight particularly when you are forced to remove a lot of carbs from your shopping list. I know fruit is healthy and good for you and all but it also has a high sugar content and some are higher in carbs than others, i searched fruitlessly (Ha!) for something different to eat today but my options were pretty limited. fruit, shapes, chocolate mud cake, mini marshmallows, baked beans or bread.. I had a kiwi fruit for breakfast. I've been listless and grumpy and just at odds for the last couple of days, not sure if it's the back and neck pain which have been plaguing me, if I've been hungry or if it's a result of me trying to damn up the nicotine front which has been flooding my brain. Before the conception of my son i smoked for 9 years and it was never more than a pack of 25ish a week. After having my son (when he was a year old) i resumed smoking, lightly, for about 4 months.. Gave up again and became a social smoker- you know, i smoked when i got drunk like once a month, sometimes more, sometimes less frequently and occasionally in a situation of high stress or when around people i didn't know if i was nervous. In the last few weeks i have been smoking closer to 20 a day. Never suffered from nicotine withdrawals, not to the extent that my mood was effected, previously though i suppose it may be likely now. By lunch after preparing some beans of baked for my son i was hit by a massive wave of dizziness and had to lie down for a moment. When i got up i gave him the last of the mud cake (die cake die!) scarfed a handful of mini marshmallows, a banana and a mandarin :( Yea, not cool. My boys father took him out and even though i had pretty much given up on doing anything physical today i pushed myself to do half hour of zumba rush. Yea, yaaaay me huh :rolleyes:. Put a roast on for tea and when the boys arrived home with some salami and cheese, well naturally i ate again. Had 3 slices of roast beef for tea with mushroom sauce on top. Only about 1.5 litres of water today. will try for 2 hours of cardio tomorrow as i know Wednesdays are busy and i may not manage a lot.


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