
  • Author Northbeach
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  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
It's been a few weeks since i last posted, I stopped taking duromine again for two weeks, i started back on 30mg on monday 20/3. So all up I have been on duromine for 7 weeks out of 10. My weight has been steady over this period since my last weigh in at 75kgs 4 weeks ago. Today i weighed 70kgs, yay! Making my total weightloss on duromine 8kgs. There's definetly a noticable difference. I stopped taking my pills because i suffer anxiety and it can become quite intence. My findings were that duromine didn't contribute to my anxious state, so i have resumed corse. My Dr prescribed a pill called a beta-blocker, wich is non habbit forming, so i shall let u know how that goes. While i was off my duromine, i ran consistantly for 30mins a day, 5 days per week and that helped me maintain my weight, but there were some nights where i ate absolute garbage. For me to loos weight, its about eating right, if i eat crap and excersize, i still dont loose weight. In a bid not to undo my efforts, im back on the wagon and ready to commit! Excersize and portion controll :)
Good luck to all xxx
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Oh! And I thought we lost you… Thanks for coming back and sharing your news! CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss! Well done!

Sorry you have to fight with a health condition. I hope you will get better while on the beta-blocker. Is it the same doctor that prescribed you Duromine? I am always worried about drug interactions when I hear someone taking any other drugs with Duromine. Hope it goes well.

Well, fingers crossed for your weight loss and best of luck to the determined you! =0))
Hey Vampgirl, thank u so much for ur warm welcome back! Yes it is the same Dr. I definetly don't want to be messing around with different gps. How are you doing on your journey?
Im down to 69kgs today, i did however have an anxiety attach yesterday, so i wont be taking the beta blocker again. Time for CBT treatment so i can have the psycological tools to push thru
Much love xxx
Hey Northbeach. You are doing so well. I'm down 5.5kg (this is week 6) - haven't weighed yet this week but i've not been very good recently so i'm not expecting a good result.
Northbeach, congrats with another kilo down! The result is just astonishing! It’s 9 kg already. I am sure you enjoy the difference. Sorry for the anxiety attack and I hope and wish that the therapy works miracles for you, and you will forget about this problem for good! Take care and keep it up. You can overcome it all! Cheers and a great day!
Thanks so much for all the support guys, and congrats to u all on ur achievements, wow look at us go!!
I stopped taking duromine again for 4 days last week, just to get this anxiety under controll. Aregh, in doing so i ended up binging on chocolate and doughnuts (it was my birthday and people brought me so many sweets) still not a good excuse!. Consequently resulting in a weigh in of 72 kgs.. garrr!! Although its my second day back on duromine, no anxiety and i am now at 70.6kgs. I have been running for 30 minuets each day, and although i binged last week i still ran 3 days of the week. Hoping this cycle will end.
Hi Northbeach! I’m really sorry to hear that you rolled back on your eating (Happy Birthday! =) ), still it’s great that you kept exercising! Don’t stop! And, of course, always try to exercise a bit more, if you break the healthy eating cycle. AND, in such rare cases, the main thing is to continue having the rest of meals healthy and low-calorie. Thus, you can compensate for the excess calories and sugar you already ate during the day/week.

I hope so much that you will go better from now on. Moving forward and not a step back. It’s ok to slip, yet you should get up and become even stronger, more convinced to work for your aim!

A new week, a new beginning. Good luck to you and you know you can do it! Don’t let food beat you! Cheers!
Hello Northbeach! I wonder if you’re on Duromine, or off for another pause. =) In fact, I wonder how you are doing and how things are going. Still running regularly? Take care

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