HOW DID THEY KNOW !!???? ..................... I can feel My Body starting to shed fat for the first time in 7 weeks ...

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 3 min read
I have been very quiet about my Duromine journey did not share any of it with my family ..All of you know more than they do, lol ..:laughing:

I have been eating when they eat and exercise when no one is around ,so it has been a little secretive, WELL so I thought.... :)

My daughter was the first one to notice my face and shoulders,and certain food choices I was making, and remarked across the table while we were having a coffee at Coffee club with our hubbies ,SUDDENLY silence at the table, all eyes on me , waiting for me to respond ..Hmmm I thought, been down this road before, whatever I say today ,MUST NOT SOUND LIKE THE LAST 2 AN A HALF decades of my life , of false promises, to myself or to my family ,as well as the overwhelming feeling of guilt and pressure ,now that is in the open, and what will BE EXPECTED from me from here on out ...I took a deep breath,sipped on my skinny cappuccino,smiled and said, Actually I am just taking it slow, one day at a time, making myself aware of making good food choices and just exercising every day, NOTHING drastic at all , not A diet but a way of life.. SILENCE, a nod from hubby beaming a proud smile, my daughter looking at me acknowledging my headspace and frame of mind being very different to the years before ,when asked the dreaded question "You looking good, different, have you lost weight ?it IT LOOKS LIKE you have ,what are you doing ? " ..Just when I thought well that went easier than expected, should have told them long ago, Hubby shouts out ,"she has almost lost 5kg already !" :laughing:.. I nearly spat my coffee out of my mouth :eek:.. How did he know?????? ..Turns out he has been reading my JOURNAL!!! every day.. and he too could see it in my face and when he holds me..This time is different that my family know, They see the change in me, not just physically but mentally too, and because I am calm about it and show no pressure or anxiety, THEY SEEM TO BE CALM ABOUT IT TOO..This is a very good thing , not just for me but for them too, I want my kids TO NEVER go through the mental battles I had to go through with my weight and emotions ,and if they do go through it I want them to know I am equipped now and able to walk with them on their journey one day, if it should arise.. My hubby is now eating the same amount as me, my son wants to exercise with me now , and my daughter is eating 1200 cal and exercising too, she want s to lose 5kg, before she starts a family Some things never change, {like the love and support of family } but some things do, and for the better ..Sometimes secrets can be a GOOD thing ,even if it was for only 7 weeks, It was all I needed to be ready for the question asked today ..From here on nothing has changed, I will continue my journey doing what I have been doing for 7 weeks, BUT now with the knowledge that my family are my team and we all doing this together, they just do not need Duromine like I do, {that is still my little secret}Some secrets can be shared, some not so much, hahahahaha.......

I can feel my knee caps now ,and my shoulder blades ,collarbone ,lol my triple chin is now a double chin, and I fit into sports bra's that I bought 5 yrs ago again.....Small changes but steady ..It is good to FEEL those 12cm OF FAT melting away and bone replacing it ..GO ..GO ..GOAL everyone !!!....
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You are so inspiring and sound like me. I've also kept my weight loss journey a secret. The first time I told my weight is on this forum. My husband doesn't even know. Iam always letting my family down with my diet fads. And it cost alot but I have a patient husband. Iam a diet QUEEN. Only one person has noticed my loss so far. Iam really attacking this addiction and have control of my eating habits. For some reason my mind and goals are set and I haven't broken this diet for 3 weeks now. I feel better and have alot more energy. Don't give up
Wow Leigh that is wonderful!! I love your blog, hopefully I will also start with my progress reports soon :)
Tarme, we can do it this time and beat it for good. you go girl !!...
Helllooooo Christa!!! so good to hear from you !! cannot wait to read all about your journey, keep going girl ,;)
Great read Leigh :) I have told 2 people I trust who don't judge me my weight ...not my husband not my family as I'm to embarrassed :eek: People at work and my husband have noticed I have lost weight too that's nice ...we just have to keep going strong .. And continue to make the positive changes ... Have a great week :)

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