I hate my Dr's scales!!!

  • Author StarryG
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
So, I am at the end of Week 2, and I am feeling ok. Being more awake has its benefits during the day, but at night it can be a pain. I've always had trouble staying asleep, so it is nothing new, but now I wake up in the middle of the night without a shred of tiredness. Takes an age to get back to sleep.

I went to the Dr yesterday to follow up on how I am going with it all. He was pleased that I seemed to have a handle on the side effects, and noted that my blood pressure was the same as it was before I started taking Duromine, so he increased my dose from 15mg to 30 a day. Today is the second day, and I haven't felt any more side effects than I have over the last couple of weeks, so I'm hopefully lucky.

The Dr didn't make me weigh myself when I started, but I weighed myself at home. According to my scales, I went from 115.8kg down to 114.9. Not such a bad loss, considering the Dr said that the first two weeks are usually slow. On the down side, he made me get on the scales in his office....and I hate them. 116.8!!! I know it is all a journey and all that, but sheesh! I will definitely be looking forward to my next appt so I can show a decent difference!!

On another note, I have also chosen to wean myself off my antidepressant medication, Efexor. If I forget to take it for one day (doesn't happen often!), I get dizzy, like the world is a bit surreal, a bit of a headache, and every time I move my eyes I hear a whooshing sound. And I hate it. So the Dr has been helping me with that too. I've gone from 225mg to 150 over the last three-ish weeks without too much trouble. I can't wait to get off them totally so that I can get my brain back :(


So sorry about the scales, StarryG! Although I'm almost positive the Doc's scales were wrong! But we'll never know...oh wait, we will, because you still can compare your weigh ins with the Doc's. Let's say this weigh in didn't count and you start from the next week ;) Anyway, this should not affect your motivation by any means, because you will succeed!

Most importantly for you to feel fine whether you take antidepressants or not. So it's good that doc is helping you with that. I guess a complete withdrawal requires time...

But you will beat it! Little steps at a time and you will reach your goal eventually. Can't wait to read your first amazing weight loss stats to share a happy dance with you! :laughing:
Thanks so much, Kate :) I was happy with the 1kg. By rights, I should have been weighed before I started, but neither of us remembered. Over the years my weigh in day has always been Saturday morning, so I think I will wait till then to worry about it :)
Hey StarryG! Read your reply in the previous blog entry and found the one you promised to come. ;) Damn, I hate your doctor’s scales too! Though I hope these didn’t discourage you a bit, as you are moving in a steady pace and know your goals, and found an inspiration for yourself, which, at the same time, is a great challenge to your body, AND a fantastic was to lose weight and get a fit body. All wrapped in one.

Glad 30 mg didn’t add any side effects and you don’t have to struggle with them. As for your other med… well, think of it as of Duromine. You use it to help you solve the weight issue, so let that med help you solve another issue. It always takes time, and I am sure you will succeed on both roads.

Love the new avatar! Guess, it’s your mood now. Kim Possible fighting all the negative sides and getting stronger and wiser every day. Keep up the attitude and enjoy changes for better. Hope on hearing from you very soon!
PS. congrats on the weight loss!!! =)

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