I hate the scales!!

  • Author 10th time lucky
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Good morning :)

Today makes 2 weeks and 2 days since I started my lifestyle change. I feel great!!

I have exercised 6days this week (at the gym) an hour each time and done 2 pump classes!!
I have continued to replace 2 meals a day with herbalife protein shakes and have a small dinner of lean protein and salad. My only drink is water, and 1 green tea a day. I think my body is now recognizing this new eating plan, and I am starting to feel a lot less hungry between meals.

My stats for this week are as follows:
2kg weight loss
1.5kg increase in muscle mass
2.5cm loss from waist
2.5cm loss from hips
3cm loss from each leg
3cm loss from each arm
Water levels increased by 2%
Visual fat dropped by 1 (originally started at 14, now 12. Should be between 1 and 3)

I am very happy with those numbers in one week!! Especially the massive loss in cm's.
Although, I do have to say, I was a little disappointed with only a 2kg weight loss, considering how hard I worked.

That why I originally said I wouldn't weigh myself, but curiosity gets the better of me every week!!

So now I start another week on this journey, and every day is one day closer to my goal.
I visualize myself looking back on my blog entries in a years time - I will be a very healthy, fit and slim 70kgs and I will be wearing whatever I want (because everything will fit!!)
This visualization gets me through every day :)
What's yours?

Have a great week and stay true to yourself.

The New Girl


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Blog entry information

10th time lucky
Read time
2 min read
Last update

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