I LOST more than I BARGAINED FOR ,AND IT WAS NOT ONLY FAT .......feeling liberated , calm and very focussed ..

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi EVERYONE! you have all been so supportive of me, thank you for believing in me, I had a very bad week emotionally {got some bad news this week}.. Did not eat all my calories and did not exercise for the allocated time needed, but I carried on , did not raid the fridge, for comfort snacks or food, I have also been sleeping erratically this week, every two days up late till 2am, then next day in bed 10 am, but toss and turn the whole night worrying about the news I received, such a waste of time , anyway, the outcome on my mini goal is NOT what I aimed for , but I am still happy that I LOST weight.Tomorrow is day 1 for my 6th week on D ,and I am feeling pretty calm and relaxed and in control today, because if I CAN still lose a little in such a bad week, I know I can lose lots in good weeks too, For me right now, just seeing the number 100, is a huge for me..5 weeks ago this weeks situation would have caused me to overeat on sugar and bad carbs,feel a little depressed ,not exercise, and give it all up entirely ... So knowing that I overcame this emotional battle , {which I will have MANY MORE OF in my life } Is a massive breakthrough for me, and I have overcome another demon/ skeleton in my closet .. That in itself is a loss. this has to be the BEST 500g loss I have ever lost ,hahahah, because it did not leave my body with FAT only but also emotional Baggage that I do not need anymore ...I AM SO READY FOR WEEK 6 ,and I am aiming for the 900g loss ,anything more is a bonus ,learning to accept that a small loss is better than no loss ..Thank you once again for all believing in me, sorry to disappoint you all for not reaching that mini goal, but IT WILL COME ,and I know you will all be there for me again when it does, have a super weekend , and keep overcoming ,and striving on your weightloss journey..From 101.4 to 100.9 ... Feeling focused,and calm for the first time in 27 yrs of being overweight , and fighting this battle ..
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Well done. It is so easy to stick to the plan and lose weight when everything is going well. You have just proven to yourself that you can do it even when things are going pear shaped. You should be really proud of yourself.
I too had a bad week (or two) around weeks 5&6. I totally lost the plot. I was so close to my first mini goal pf a 10 kg loss too. I still got there in the end. It just took me a couple of weeks longer than I thought. Now I have smashed it. 7 weeks and I have list 12 kg.
Some weeks it is not the loss on the scales that is important. Learning that you can handle the tough stuff and not fall back into old habits is way better than a loss on the scales. In a few weeks this will be but a hiccup and overall you will have a good loss. Some weeks you will stay the same even though you have done everything right.
Keep going. You know you can do this. Even when everything else is going horribly. We are always here if you need to vent.
Sharon xoxo
Thats still good weight loss, i know that life isnt always easy everyone has a battel of good and bad and it can effect our mind body hormones ect.. I know that life isnt always picture perfect. But even in really bad moment you gotta stay true to yourself thats what you deserve, you are also importent and your body and health is importent to you SO treat it right. I hope you will get stronger they say : What doesnt kill you will make you stronger". You will reach your goal , let time pass you do what you have to do and you will see that when you put your mind to it you can do it. You have a great weekend , let your Sun out .. smile please;)
hee hee smiling Hotfizz smiling !!... thank you Sharon, appreciate all your kind words, and good to know you only a click away, have super weekend ladies..Today I ate all 1200 calories, lunch was the most difficult to get down , dinner is already prepared ,and weighed and cal counted, for tonight ...may you both have happy fun weekends , and keep moving ...x
You are very right and a loss is a loss You did well and you should be very proud of yourself. Out of person experiences I know that when you hit a low number of loss it can be demotivating. But you are caring on and good on you chick. You've got this. Looking forward to reading some more of your blogs.

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