I need one of these guys...Motivation, head space, physical motivation at its lowest ever... what happened ?? why is it happening?..

  • Author Leigh'sgottalottolose
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read

I have NO reason for feeling this way... no stress, or reason to be feeling demotivated to get my butt onto the gym equipment, or eat 3 x a day or at least snack...
I put my gym clothes on every day, but never get to the gym equipment in the house, I find all sorts of other chores and things to do ... I have not been on D , FOR TWO WEEKS, I JUST GOT SO SICK OF POPPING PILLS EVERY MORNING , which is stupid as I take my thyroid pill and vitamins every day, but just did not want to take the D, one would think I would want to eat more, or crave things ,but no it is the opposite, I am drinking loads more than before , I have energy which is weird, that took about 10 days to kick in but its here, sleeping well ,happy all day {a I am going to be a granny soon }....SO WHY ???????...WHY AM I SO DEMOTIVATED AND NEGATIVE TO EAT, AND EXERCISE ,I LOVE cooking, I do not want to go near the kitchen, I feel like it is swallowing me up ,I have no desire to cook for my family, just make, salads, and eat yogurt, eggs , if I have to.. even my family want to know whats up ?? ..IT HAS BEEN extremely hot here, and the temp fluctuates all the time ..Some days just want to drink cold beverages, other days just want cold meals , yesterday I at ice cream, vanilla,I hate vanilla ... FELT SO SICK, and ate nothing the rest of the day or night ... could it be that I have been so intense {unknowingly } with this weight loss healthy lifestyle, that I have burn out now ? ...Hope this will pass soon... my weight is up, by 2kg.. I am sooooo flabby again... and starting to feel really frustrated by it all....HELP !!!!!


Sometimes you just need to let yourself have a break so that you can return with new enthusiasm.
Don't be too hard on yourself. You will get back to it. I have been a bit this way for a while now. Just trying to make sure I don't undo all the good work I have done. I know I will get back in the groove (maybe this week?) but a BIG part of this weight loss game is mental.
I find that if you get one thing going right the other stuff will follow, but it works in the reverse too. One bad thing can spiral into many bad things. SO the challenge is just to get ONE area working. It could just be that you focus on water or exercise or calories. Pick one and don't worry about the others. When you have a win with that one area you will feel great and it is easier to stay focused.
Thanks for that, funny you should say that ,I was writing in my journal this morning and flicked baxk to some prevoius pages, and saw that I had written down far to many goals for the week, So this week I set two, exercise and eating ALL meals, maybe I should just make it one and focus only on that one goal for the week, I ALSO had , another "apostrophy" {as Smee Would say in the film Hook,}LOL ... That I have not been to the doc for 6 weeks for meds and check u, so not having one to check on me, weigh me, and too be accountable to has also made me slip and lose focus, so this is something I NEED TO work on my character at not being "needy" to have the "diet police " so to speak having to watch over me, to make me stay true to my goals, I also find when I am busy I do not make the effort to sit down and read these threads , for motivation or to write down my trials to you all straight away, which I used to do and it helped me focus, so these are tools I need to deal with this week for sure, thank you for all your support and advise, needed to read it , you gals rock .. have a gr8 weekend ,hope your treadmill work out went well.. I only rowed today , but at least I did one goal set on my list ..
I like the way sharon thinks it's logical & a great idea not to pressure yourself .... When off track focus on getting one thing back on track ... & that's what I have done this week .... Watching what I'm putting in my mouth counting my calories & trying not to feel guilty that I haven't exercised, I'm not going to stress about it, I'll be back on track when I'm ready to put my joggers on ;) & I'm not going to punish myself because I haven't done it yet:) thanks girls x

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