"I'm going to win.." - Blog Week One

  • Author Hannah_NZ
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Day 1

Hi there, I’m nearly 33 years old, weigh 136.50kg and I am 178cm tall. My usual weight is around 89kg. In the past I would have considered myself to be relatively fit, however the last 3 years of my life have been rather traumatic.

Last year (2016) I put on 31.50kg. This year, I plan to lose it all again and then some. My goal weight for the end of 2017 is 89kg.

With the aid of duromine, I plan to weigh 120kg by 31 March. I’ll aim to blog daily (within reason) and will post pictures every 4 weeks.

Hannah xo

P.S - I am going to win this battle..
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Day 2

Took 15mg at 13:00 and was very alert through the day. Appetite was extremely minimal though was careful to eat small portions every 2-3 hours. Went for walk at, completed house work etc.

Have a dietitian working with me also:

*Standard Meal = 1C cooked carb, 120g Protein, 1C vege

*Standard Break = 1C carb, 1C protein, 1C fruit


07:30 = Standard Break*

10:00 = Cracker x2

12:00 = Standard Meal*

16:00 = Cracker x1

19:30 = Standard Meal*
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Day 3

Took 15mg at 09:00 and was completely focused through out the day until 15:00. Elation started to wear off and fast aprox 16:00. Had a pick me up coffee at 18:30, went for a walk and completed house work.


08:00 = Standard Break*

10:00 = Cracker x1

12:00 = Standard Meal*

15:00 = Cracker x1

20:00 = Standard Meal*
Day 4

Took 15mg at 09:00 and again not very hungry. Starting to feel tired. Energy didn't really kick in until 15:00!! Exercised and had very late dinner.


08:30 = Standard Break*

10:00 = Cracker x1

11:00 = 1/2 Standard Meal*

13:00 = Cracker x1

16:00 = Cracker x1

21:30 = Standard Meal*
Day 5

Awoke today feeling tired again. Took 15mg at 09:00 but didn't feel too energized throughout the day. At least the hunger is still being kept at bay. Managed to get my diet into a pretty good routine i.e. standard meals and a cracker for snack as I'm not even hungry when I eat a cracker - I just want to kept my metabolism up.


08:30 = Standard Break*

10:00 = Cracker x1

12:30 = Standard Meal*

15:30 = Cracker x1

17:30 = Cracker x1

20:30 = Standard Meal*
Day 6

Awoke today feeling tired but took the 15mg and soon forgot about as work was hectic.. Kept forgetting to eat at the right times. Can't wait to hit the scales, as people are already commenting that look like I've lost weight and a week hasn't even passed yet!


07:30 = Standard Break*

12:30 = Standard Meal*

20:30 = Standard Meal*
Day 7

A week has now come and gone and I already feel like my old self again. The fat roll from my back has dramatically decreased - now I can actually turn around and wipe my ass without too much difficulty! My posture has improved, my energy levels are the best they've been in ages and I'm no longer a moody b@#!h.

I'm hanging out to jump on the scales but for once in my life I'm actually enjoying the journey to becoming a lighter, healthier and happier me instead of obsessing over my weight :)


07:45 = Standard Break*

10:15 = Cracker

12:30 = Standard Meal*

17:00 = Cracker

19:45 = Standard Meal*
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Sounds like you're doing a great job! Looking forward to seeing what your weigh in will be :)
Loving the positive attitude girl! Will be checking in with you again soon :) keep updating!

Blog entry information

Read time
1 min read
Last update

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