I'm Still Here

  • Author shellyisme
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I'm struggling with motivation, it been a hell of a ride the past 3 weeks, back from holidays back at work, a death in the family last week , funeral this week caring for my Mum as My brother is in QLD & my sister is on holidays overseas. lucky I have a great son, daughter inlaw & 2 wonderful nieces to help me with my mum. Hopefully next week will see me win a challenge for that week...hey I challenge myself to resume my exercise program wish me luck:)
Start weight 110.3kg
Current weight 88.1kg


Oh, good luck Shelly as usual!
No more words to say, just do what's best for you, we know you are strong and it's so great that you have people to lean on. You are slim already, but can be even slimmer ;):laughing::p Hugs!

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