In sickness and in health!

  • Author Mum86
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Hi everyone I haven't been on in a while as we have had a few unexpected sicknesses arise :( first my nan was in hospital and then my kids hubby an I all got sick!!! Sucks ass!!! I haven't weighed myself since last weigh in as I have been bed ridden!!! But I have been sticking with my shakes n doing minor workouts and some excercise when I am up to it :) so ill give it another week :)) I am on the mend now so bring on Monday start up again n get back in!!! I have read my beautiful friends blogs and I must say u all have come such a long way and u all should be very very proud of the efforts and achievements keep it up u strong determined beings!!! Positive positive positive it is the key to unlock your inner strength and happiness :)
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