It"s all about the Wedding Ring baby

  • Author jDad4509
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Well, its been a month a half since I wrote anything and I know you all have been missing me ;) !!

So, in the last month what has been happening?

About 3 weeks ago I thought I would find my original wedding ring. I had put on so much weight over the years that it no longer fit so I put it away in a little baggy with my Dad's signet ring for safe keeping. the replacement ring I bought a few years ago was pretty loose by this stage so I wanted to see I my original one fit any better. I slipped it on my finger and have not taken it off since. YES!!!! I feel so happy at having it and my signet ring back on my fingers.

In mid December last year I went through my cupboard and threw away all of the clothes that I would never fit in to again. I gave them to my sweetheart and asked her to get rid off them. Thank goodness that never happened because I had to dig around in the bag last week to find a pair of trousers that fit. I am now wearing clothes on 13 years ago!!!

I jumped on the scales yesterday morning and weighed in at 90.3kgs. That's 24kgs gone since I started this journey to a new life on the 7th of January.

Onwards and upwards!!
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