It's not looking good.

  • Author MissPolly
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
I really don't feel like Duromine is doing anything for me.

I'm positive my Doctor will move me up to the 40mg when I go in and I'm even thinking I'll try to book in earlier because I feel like this is a waste of time.

I think stopping breastfeeding is making my body put weight on and Duromine is just helping me not completely balloon out.

I'm feeling frustrated. Duromine is too expensive to do nothing.

I definitely acknowledge that my lack of exercise is not helping. I took a week off while I battled through the excruciating pain caused by weaning...I could barely get a shirt on without crying, the gym was not happening.

And then I was sick! And so were the kids. And so was hubby. It sucked.

But I have no excuses this week except for laziness. So I need to get off my ass.

I have to admit...I have just lost that motivation. I'm really disappointed with the Duromine...and I feel like my body is failing.

Though I suppose that down feeling could be the tablets.

What a scramble of a post. I think that's all I can give today...a scramble.

It's really just one of those days.


Wow! You have a lot on your plate at the moment.
Giving up breastfeeding at the same time as starting on Duromine, a sick family and a young baby. No wonder you are struggling.
Your body is not failing. You have grown a human!!!! Be proud of that body.
The D can exacerbate any emotions you have BUT, in my experience, weaning will throw your hormones out in a major way. So I would not blame the D. I breast fed all three of my babies (they are all grown now LOL) each time I weaned, I fell into a deep depression. It was definitely hormonal. Post natal depression, but delayed. I breast fed each one for at least 12 months and it was hard to identify that what I was experiencing was PND until the doctor explained that, while I was feeding my hormones were being regulated and once I stopped the sudden change caused my deep depression. It was not until the third child that I really understood and was prepared.
My suggestion. Forget the D .... for now. Get yourself and your family well and wait until your hormones have settled, then try the D again. Maybe in a couple of months. Then you will know if the D is going to work and if it is the D or the hormones causing you to feel down and unmotivated. The D is too expensive to be using it and have it not work.
In the next few months, focus on one thing at a time. Life with little ones can be super hectic and awfully tiring. Work on boosting your energy levels. Sleep.... it can be hard to get decent sleep with a young family, but if you are suffering from lack of sleep it can be impossible to do anything. Go for a walk. Fresh air and the exercise will boost your energy levels, clear your head, provide you with endorphins (happy hormones) and at the same time help you get good sleep. Eat nutritious food and drink lots of water. Focus on one area at a time. Changing too much will just set you up for failure. When you feel confident that you are succeeding in one area, add in another.
When you are ready to restart taking the D, you will find it that much easier
Thank you so much for your comment.

I've had a very rough day and have found out financially things are going to be extremely hard ... If not, impossible...for a while so as I took my last tablet today anyway I'll be stopping at least until I can afford it which may be a while.

I read your comment at the perfect time! I really needed that advice not only for the Duromine but for a few aspects of my life at the moment.

Thank you for making me feel normal...I felt a bit crazy! But I do have a lot on my plate and I should give myself a bit of a break.

You've genuinely helped.

Thank you.

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