It's time for the Game Changer!!

  • Author Niki
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Hi everyone,

So my journey started on Monday, 13 March. These tablets were recommended by a friend of mine who used this a few years ago and is still at her goal weight. After she used these for 2 months, she maintained her weight and is still going strong. With the right motivation I guess anything is my journey begins here!

I currently weigh 55kgs...which doesn't sound heavty but because of my height, I am considered "obese". 5 years ago I gave birth to a set of twins. Beautiful bouncy baby boys. After their birth I just could not loose my excess weight. Year after year I tried many different diets and exercises...but would slowly loose focus and then go back to my old habits.

I'm hoping these pills are going to work for me. Being a mum of 5 year old twins plus an 8 year old is no's gets hectic at times and I often don't find the time to look after myself.

I'm giving these pills a shot and I'm hoping it's going to work for me.

The past 2 days have been ok so far. From reading everyone's posts I guess mines are very similar. Very thirsty...I'm drinking more than 8 glasses of water per day. My cravings for sweets, chocolates and anything sugary have miraculously disappeared. I have lost my appetite completely but trying to eat smaller snacks. The worse for me is the sleep deprivation. Last night I only had 3 hours of sleep. Been awake from 2am...but not feeling tired at all.

I have a full day job and then go home to be the mum and wife. Let's hope this works for me!


Hi Niki,
I have just started Duromine today and just wanted to comment and wish you the best of luck! Being a busy mum and wife definitely does make it hard to lose the weight but I hope you now have the support to be able to make yourself a priority like I am planning to do.
What dose of Duromine have you started on? Do you have a goal weight you would like to reach?
This is only my first day but I have not felt any side effects yet, no burst of energy etc! I don't feel hungry but in saying that I have made sure I have followed my meal plan set by my GP and I generally don't get overly hungry anyway, it's my cravings of sweet food that get me.
Anyway, GOODLUCK!!! :)
Hello Niki! Congratulations with the beginning of something new and exciting! =) yes, you are right. You don’t sound heavy at all. So what’s your goal weight? did your doctor name any precise numbers you have to reach? Did he provide you with an eating and exercising plan? If not, do you have any questions? Remember, you can ask anything you need here.

It’s so great that all the good effects immediately hit you and you already know that you must eat small meals, even though you’re not hungry. Hopefully, your insomnia subsides very soon. Best of luck Niki!!!
Hi Bree
Thanks so much for your positive encouragement!
I was given a dosage of 30mg just to see how it works for me. So far it's been going really well. Day four and I've lost 1kg already!! LOL!!!! I know I shouldnt be weighing myself now but I was just curious.

I would like to loose between 8kg-10kg...for me it's just about feeling comfortable again. So I don't actually have a goal, but I do know that it has to be more than 8kg to start. Before my pregnancy with the twins I was comfortable, firm and feeling healthy. So I guess I just need to feel that again.

In really hope you doing well on your second day. It's a great start!! I can honestly say that I have not even craved for coke, chocolate or sweets since Sunday!! Those urges are completely gone!!. It's amazing..I hope they do the same for you.

Good luck and look forward to your updates!
Hi April
Thank you for the warm welcome! It's definitely am exciting time because I'm already feeling a bit lighter.

I don't have any diet plan as yet, however I've tried a variety of snacks that work for me. It would be great if you can share some of your diet plans.

I had a.much better sleep last night and noticed that if I take the pill much earlier in the morning around 6am then I can sleep right through the night.

I don't have a goal weight however I would like to loose about 8kg just to feel comfortable again.

Starting weight : 55kg
Day 4
Weight as of today: 54kg

Look forward to hearing from you.
Niki hi! Glad you could sleep full night and already figured the best time for you to take Duromine.

When it comes to a diet plan, I usually try to stick to healthy eating and the metabolism boosting eating regime, i.e. eating 3 main meals (small servings) and 2 snacks (dried fruits/nuts/fresh fruits/fruit and vegie and protein smoothie for the morning snack, and protein foods like yogurt, cottage cheese, or a cucumber and the like for the afternoon snack). Main meals better contain 100 g of protein (fish/meat/egg) + non-starchy vegetables (fresh or cooked by steaming, boiling, baking). If you want to have a starchy dish, have it for breakfast or in the first half of the day, not in the evening. That’s the main idea. Your meals should fall into the limit of 1200 cal per day. I do NOT suggest eating less than 1000-1200 cal. Sufficient amount of water. That’s it. However, everyone is very individual, so it’s always “try and see how it goes”. =0))

Do you have any plans about physical activity? Gym membership, or you’re planning to exercise at home?

Congrats with the first loss and have a great day!
Hello Niki! How are you doing? I can easily imagine how you have no time to post anything here, while having full-time job and 3 kids. I just want to let you know that I wish you a good weight loss and health. Take care and never forget that you can do it and you deserve it!

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