Journal Entry 2 Duromine Weight loss journey

  • Author TallieAllie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 2 min read
Morning, Current time 7:37am.

Warning: This Entry may be triggering.

Dear Journal,

I am feeling great today. I have been addicted to unhealthy junk food all my life and the all so familiar withdrawals kicked in yesterday. I slept a maximum of 5 hours last night and still manage to wake up at 6.30am and take my duromine tablet. An hour later and I'm wide awake. The past two days iv been feeling down and tired, two of the many withdrawal symptoms I get.

Im weighing myself daily (A bad habit) just so i can record any patterns that my body may pick up in the weight loss department.

This mornings weigh in: 77.8kg! (Three more kg and ill be at my first goal weight). One of the best ways to lose fat more effectively is to do cardio in the morning fasted. What I mean by this, is do not have breakfast before your workout or do your cardio session, you'll be thanking yourself.

When I was little I started to become over weight around the age of 10 - 12 years old. I was inactive and ate unhealthy all the time, what seems to me now that I suddenly weighed a total of 60kg at around the age of 11 and already started to rapidly increase to 75kg by the age of 13. By the age of of 14 I was a massive 80kg. Thats seriously over weight for a 14 year old girl.

The point to this? well there really isn't any. Its just a story about my childhood id like to share.

I started dieting around the age of 12 - 13 years old, and what I would call an onset of an eating disorder. I already started to calorie restrict at such a young age. My young body, already becoming subject to a life of eating disorders. Now, two of the most familiar eating disorders you might know about are, anorexia and bulimia. But did you now that binge compulsive eating disorder is one too. One that till this day I have to control. Yep, I eat my emotions away with no control what so ever.

With this tablet I am really hoping that it'll be able to provide aid in portion control and help me with my binge eating.

So todays another day, DAY 3 and I'm going great so far, I still have no side effects that most the reviews for the tablet describe. Im feeling more energetic than yesterday and my appetite is controlled.

Let me know how you're journey is going, feel free to Private message me!

Wish Me Luck.

xx T.


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