journal Entry 7 Duromine Weight loss journey

  • Author TallieAllie
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Current time: 9.13am Day 9

Current weight 76.8kg

Dear journal

Like the other day I don't really have much to say for today. Im just taking it day by day while trying to stay motivated. I think thats the hardest part, trying to stay motivated to keep exercising and eating healthy. The easiest part... waking up at 6.28am every morning to take these pills.

Down 3.1kg and willing to keep fighting to get to my first goal weight! only 2.8kg until 75kg. Then it will be time to make it to my next goal weight. But thats another time. i have to focus on the time at hand and work hard for what i want!!!

Wish Me Luck, time to go and exercise and have a little breakfast!

xx T.


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